Who was steed's best partner.

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Johnny O
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Post by Johnny O »

It's a tie for me: Mrs Gale, Mrs Peel and Purdey. And Tara gets an honourable mention. How egalitarian is that?
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Emma for ever!!

Post by skintp »

Emma Peel. No contest! The show was at it's peak while she was Steed's partner.
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Post by Philippa »

I'm with Khell and Timeless on this one. Partnered with Steed, Emma wins hands down. The chemistry was amazing. But Purdey and Gambit together are in a very close 2nd position :D
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Post by Eric »

Mrs Peel , Mrs Emma Peel without a doubt ...
The chemistry between Patrick & Diana was just pure magic .
I have a soft spot for Miss Tara King and Purdey as well .
I haven't seen all the Catherine Gale episodes yet , so I'll reserve my judgement on those ... :wink:
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Post by Madelow »

Hello All, I'm new to this forum. I've loved "The Avengers" for 43 years. I'm looking forward to sharing opinions with all of you. I thought I'd begin with the easiest question for me to answer. Emma Peel (and Diana Rigg), are both unique. She is easily my favorite "Avengers" female character. Best regards, Madelow.
Captain Crusoe
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Post by Captain Crusoe »

Let me be cyberrich this time. The results are:

Emma Peel 16 votes
Dr Keel 1 vote
Dr King 1 vote
Cathy Gale 1 vote
Tara King 1 vote
Mike Gambit 1 vote
Steed's umbrella 1 vote
And 1 spoiled ballot

It's Emma Peel in a landslide even bigger than the one Mahmoud Ahmadinejad awarded himself, while everyone else gets a single token vote - except poor Purdey, who was disqualified on a technicality, and Venus Smith.
Last edited by Captain Crusoe on Sun Jun 14, 2009 1:10 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Dandy Forsdyke
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Post by Dandy Forsdyke »

Timeless A-Peel wrote:
Khell wrote:Emma Peel. - But only cos I consider Purdey Gambit's partner and vice versa. ;)
That's a neat little loophole. :wink: Why didn't I think of that? :lol:
Captain Crusoe wrote:except poor Purdey, who was disqualified on a technicality, and Venus Smith.
Purdey was Mike Gambit's partner, but she was still Steed's too. I don't think that disqualifies her.
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Post by Captain Crusoe »

Dandy Forsdyke wrote:
Captain Crusoe wrote:except poor Purdey, who was disqualified on a technicality, and Venus Smith.
Purdey was Mike Gambit's partner, but she was still Steed's too. I don't think that disqualifies her.
I was referring to:
Khell wrote:Emma Peel. - But only cos I consider Purdey Gambit's partner and vice versa. :wink:
It was Khell who didn't vote for Purdey, considering her disqualified. It wasn't my decision, so don't blame me, guv.
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Post by Dandy Forsdyke »

Okay, I'll let you off... ;)
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Post by mousemeat »

kim wrote:
Just my opinion, so don't throw any rotten fruit my way.
Oh come on. Just one little orange? How about a banana? A grape

maybe? :D
Emma !!! Sorry Mrs.Gale and Tara.

oops, here comes the fruit...zip, bam, boom ! as I break out into song

' yes, we have no Bananas, we have NO Bananas, today!' ( grapes, sunflower seeds, etc etc )
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