Funny thing happened on the way to the station-have your say

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Post by kim »

Steed's brolly wrote:Also, to point out a useless and not so interesting point to some of our members - epecially those that aren't from the UK -, Crewe is a town in Cheshire that grew from a tiny village in the 19th century to a town entirely down to the railways, and to a lot of people in the UK the town of Crewe is synonymous with railways... Hence, John Laurie's character being called 'Crewe'.
Now [/i]there's a nice little bit of trivia! Thanks! :)
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Steed's brolly
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Post by Steed's brolly »

kim wrote:Now [/i]there's a nice little bit of trivia! Thanks! :)
No problem. I always thought it was a shame that they only occasionally used relevant names for some of the characters. eg. Cheshire, Dr. Manx in Hidden Tiger... There never seemed to be any rhyme nor reason in naming them.
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Dandy Forsdyke
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Post by Dandy Forsdyke »

I remember a Dr Sturm from A Surfeit of H20....
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Post by Jiggly »

I rewatched this the other night and - despite knowing its troubled history at the scriptwriting stage - it struck me again what a meticulously produced piece of escapist TV this episode is.

Every time I watch this I seem to find something new to admire. It's often the smaller "incidental" things too which are never over-emphasised in John Krish's direction - for example, the wry smile that Lucas briefly gives when he adjusts his tie before alighting at the fake Norborough (presumably because he had put the same tie to a somewhat more dramatic use in the episode's teaser!).

And what a superb work of design the deserted station at night proves to be too. Even in Lucas' POV shot of the deserted platform, there's the lovely touch of the inclusion of a signal light in the "distance" beyond the platform, turning from red to green. It's a small detail in itself, but it adds so much to the general atmosphere of the scene.

So many other things of note, including the brief exchange between Steed and the female passenger in the carriage regarding the distance she’ll have to cover to reach the dining car. And hats off again to some creative design work and inspired direction - people really do seem to be swaying slightly and steadying themselves in carriages that tremble and lurch as they speed through the night. I was never a stickler for "reality" in these programmes, but I had to admire the way they brought it off here.

Incidentally, it's been interesting to watch the episode whilst taking the time to compare it with the original script (which I gather is still available via one of the threads on this site?). Makes for fascinating reading regarding the various changes.

And before I go, it only just struck me today just why James Hayter's ticket collector seemed so damned familiar – the penny dropped and I recalled I was listening to the voice of Mr Kipling, the man who makes exceedingly good cakes! I've been in Australia for several years now, but those adverts are clearly imprinted on my psyche :D
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Post by mousemeat »

Rodney wrote:The memory professor appears in my father's original treatment - published on the TAF website. (The working title was Overkill). His name is Professor Pierson and he runs a Memory Expanding Laboratory. He is described as "a comedy character, virtually no memory at all".
That is interesting..Rodney's dad's take.....
Little Wonder
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Post by Miska_cz »

I like this ep. for meny things

1) Emma looks on bride the fake married couple

2) Emma as she entred Steeds living room after he killed the man. "You really should talk with the cleaning lady of yours"

3) Emma fight on train by the open door

4) Emma as she entered room an look on Steed

5) Steed, "There´s no need to steam up."

After all I enjoy every Ep. of Emma Peel era and some of Cathy Gale

Miska_Cz :o)
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