Dead On Course, Series 2 1962

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Is "Dead On Course" Any good?

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Dead On Course, Series 2 1962

Post by thesaintlyone »

So having bought the series 1 and 2 boxset, I've finally seen Dead On Course is it any good, well this is what I think. ... ies-2-1962/

What do other people think of it?
the saintly one, thats me.
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Post by Frankymole »

Only due to Dr Martin King. Otherwise it's fairly pants.

Here's my review:

Up, up and away: Shooting on the second season of the Avengers gets off to an uncertain start after the enforced 7-month break (due to a strike). Keel is gone, Carol is gone, so is Keel's "cosy" surgery base. Once again the Avengers are branching out abroad, this time only across the Irish Sea. Plenty of stereotypes: spirits in the breakfast coffee, "Shamrock Airport", lots of blarney about nuns. Sounds like a recipe for disaster but somehow this story provides enough intrigue to keep one awake.

The Avenged?: The crime is a variation on the old wreckers who used to lure ships onto rocks with false beacon fires. This time, passengers on jet liners have received the treatment, all for the sake of a case full of banknotes. Oddly, despite using petrol to ensure a post-crash fire, some of the survivors are kept prisoner. Why?

Diabolical Masterminds?: The machinegun-wielding Mother Superior who has hijacked the nunnery presages "The Eagle's Nest". Vincent had me convinced that he was a fleeing innocent, cleverly realising the gig was up when Steed arrived and so putting on an act as the only helpful informer — which even fooled Steed. Vincent's suspicious boss (Doyle) was the red herring in the mix. The twist worked well, though I began to suspect Vincent when he'd already packed a bag for Canada despite being told to rush to steed without delay. It was a good idea to have him run out on his companions in crime, taking the loot.

The Avengers?: Dr Martin King is an adequate replacement for Dr Keel. He has a certain cheerfulness that Keel didn't, less cynical but nevertheless wary of Steed's old tricks. His weary digs at Steed's early-morning perkiness speak of an old acquaintance, and they seem to trust and admire each other's skills.

Umbrella, Charm and a Bowler Hat?: Steed gets some kind of rustic walking-stick (not a shillelagh) and a rather affected cigarette holder which he insist on sporting every time he makes a 'phone call. He is turned out impeccably despite trotting around dusty cellars, an eerie nunnery-morgue and possibly a crash site. King looks a bit rumpled after having to sleep "swimmingly" in damp lodgings. Both are rather terse, although Steed perks up when around the air hostesses. He also talks on equal terms with the co-pilot's likely widow, the balance of professional urgency and respect is just right. Good acting.

Bizarre?: Possibly the only story where an act ends with Steed loudly proclaiming what a "jolly good idea" it would be to feign a visit to "the gents" (toilet)! This facility also forms a plot point later on as an alibi for wandering the cellars. Most odd. And one of the nuns has five o'clock shadow. The blinking corpse has already been remarked upon, but as it happens during the zoom in to his face just before the commercials, it's a very unfortunate glitch (but unintentionally hilarious).

Dr King is a cheerful fellow (wonder if he and Tara are related?). Reasonable use is made of the cramped sets. Some fun is to be had with the elderly crash analyst whom Steed disgruntles at the airport; peevishly he remarks that Steed will eventually take over the running of the airport — which he does, to the man's grim amusement! Three bowlers.
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Post by darren »

It's certainly my favourite of the Dr. King episodes. The plane crashing into the pylon does make me laugh especially with the music cue - not a moment they could pull of. I like the setting with the airport, monastery and the Inn, nice variety. Only issue is the awkward editing of the closing fight.
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Post by Dandy Forsdyke »

I'm not a fan of Dr King I'm afraid - Jon Rollason certainly didn't have the acting chops of Ian Hendry and Patrick easily outclasses him. In fact Steed has more chemistry with the Canadian character Freedman.

The most interesting casting (to me) is Janet Hargreaves as Sister Isobel. Janet Hargreaves would go on to play snooty Rosemary Hunter in the Midlands soap Crossroads ten years later.
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Post by VA_Avenger »

Add me to the "not a fan of Dr. King" club. Dr. King was not in the series long enough for his character to develop, or for his relationship with Steed to solidify. It always felt that King was a last-second addition without much forethought.

I was thrilled to see Dr. King replaced by Cathy. I didn't care for any of the three episodes in which he appeared.
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Post by MRotten »

I have a feeling Rollason was cast as Dr. King because he mumbled in much the same manner that Ian Hendry did! I like "Dead On Course" a lot. The episode that falls flat for me is "The Sell Out".
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Post by Brendan Jones »

Mission to Montreal is my favourite of the three, although I think Rollason gives his best performance in The Sell-Out.

I've been posting my reviews on a blog, mainly so I don't have to post them on each of the three forums I frequent. Feel free to have a visit, if you like!
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Post by Dandy Forsdyke »

Great. Will have a read of those later - bookmarked. Love the funny photo captions! :lol:
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Post by Frankymole »

Darren wrote:It's certainly my favourite of the Dr. King episodes. The plane crashing into the pylon does make me laugh especially with the music cue - not a moment they could pull of. I like the setting with the airport, monastery and the Inn, nice variety. Only issue is the awkward editing of the closing fight.
Surely one issue is the hilariously bad goof when the camera closes in on the dead man's eye for the end-of-act shot and the corpse... blinks! Right in huge close-up.
Last watched: "Concerto"
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Post by Charlie Parker »

Dead on Course is a very good episode and it certainly stands up in the concept of the avengers for 1961 to 1962. The plot is fairly good, although the ending falls to peices due to bad direction rather the anything else. Dr. King is a rather good character has the put-upon doctor, he clearly has a love/hate relationship with Steed. He does argue that he feels he's been grabbed in because Steed needs someone to talk to, but concedes about the loss of human life in teh crash. Unlike Venus, he can carry the plot on his own and does so through out. He's a very human character, more akin to those poor unfortunates in the medical proffesion who end up involved in criminal cases when they'd much rather just be a GP.
Its a good three and half out of five for me.
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