The Movie

The Avengers radio plays, the stage play, the movie, the novelizations, comics and other official fictional Avenger forms have their own section here.
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Post by ShaggE »

Let's cut the arguing, shall we? Opinion and fact are two completely different things, and trying to masquerade one as the other has never amounted to anything good.

I advise you to re-read the forum rules. Insults are not tolerated here. Feel free to give your opinion on the film, but keep it civil while doing so.
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Post by kim »

Another reminder that this is a friendly forum. Debates are encouraged, but it must be kept civil. Please review the forum's terms of service and if you have any questions, please feel free to ask any of the Administration staff. We will be happy to help you.

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Post by kim »

:) Hi Andrew!
What a refreshingly mature opinion. If there was more of this kind of thinking, there'd be hope for the world yet ...
What a sweet thing to say! I don't like confrontation. Never have. Don't get me wrong...Say something horrible about another person, race, religion, etc., and I'll come out fighting. But when someon simply gives an opinion and it doesn't match mine, so be it. I enjoy hearing other people's opinions because they may very well point out something I hadn't thought of before. *insert some kind of music here that makes the above sound profound and will be quoted by people for the rest of their lives* :lol:

Okay ... I think the fundamental thing is that I liked the reimagining of the format.
Maybe that's it! I'm not a big fan of reimaging. I prefer the tried and true. I hadn't thought of the movie in that way before, so maybe I'll give it a try again in a few months as soon as the bad taste if left me from the first viewing leaves my mouth.

Thanks for the insight Andrew.
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Post by Philippa »

Well I have to say, I'm still sort of curious about the film, but I'm a bit shocked at how overheated the discussion has become. I mean, everyone's entitled to love or hate it, or to have a much milder opinion about it :P
What I think of things like remakes and turning iconic tv series into blockbusters in general, is that it doesn't work.
e.g. Bewitched. An iconic tv series, and I didn't even finish watching the film, it was just that awful.
However, if I can find the film anywhere (I'm a bit short on money at the moment so buying it is not an option) I will watch it and I will try to be as objective as possible.
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Post by Alan »

moorlock2003 wrote:I am as open-minded as anyone, but if you think it is a good movie, you obviously have not seen very many movies.
I've seen thousands of movies in my lifetime and have a collection that ranges from The Third Man to Airplane, taking in Woody Allen, Hammer Horror, James Bond, FW Murnau, Fritz Lang, Powell and Pressburger and Hitchcock with plenty of other 'classic' stops along the way, and the one thing I've learnt from watching all those movies is that it doesn't matter one iota what other people think when you're watching a movie.

You either connect with it, or you don't. That doesn't make those other opinions any less valid, but it doesn't make me follow the herd like a sheep. The bottom line is, if I come out of the cinema or switch off the DVD after watching a film and I feel satisfied, entertained or stimulated, then that's all that matters. People can say how bad The Avengers movie is until they're blue in the face, but it won't affect how I view it and it won't stop me having a great fondness for it.

Please permit others to present their opinions: they are just opinions, as are yours.
Last edited by Alan on Sun Oct 05, 2008 10:55 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by kim »

Philippa wrote:Well I have to say, I'm still sort of curious about the film, but I'm a bit shocked at how overheated the discussion has become. I mean, everyone's entitled to love or hate it, or to have a much milder opinion about it :P
What I think of things like remakes and turning iconic tv series into blockbusters in general, is that it doesn't work.
e.g. Bewitched. An iconic tv series, and I didn't even finish watching the film, it was just that awful.
However, if I can find the film anywhere (I'm a bit short on money at the moment so buying it is not an option) I will watch it and I will try to be as objective as possible.
I don't know if Amazon works the same way in your neck of the woods as it does mine, but I found many used copies of the movie for as little as a few cents to as much as twenty four dollars. So keep an eye out for it. You are bound to find a copy within your price range.

When you do see the movie, don't be afraid to voice your opinion on it. Opinions are what makes the world go 'round. :D
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Post by Andrew Pixley »

Hello Kim :)
kim wrote:I don't like confrontation. Never have. Don't get me wrong...Say something horrible about another person, race, religion, etc., and I'll come out fighting.
Agreed. There are many important issues in the world worth fighting for ... but a 1990s TV revival movie isn't one of them. If somebody doesn't enjoy it as much as I do, c'est la vie ...
I enjoy hearing other people's opinions because they may very well point out something I hadn't thought of before.

I agree totally. I like to read about why people enjoy something because it might just allow me to enjoy it as well ...
Maybe that's it! I'm not a big fan of reimaging. I prefer the tried and true. I hadn't thought of the movie in that way before, so maybe I'll give it a try again in a few months as soon as the bad taste if left me from the first viewing leaves my mouth.
:D I quite understand! I think it all depends on how you like your "Avengers" ...
Thanks for the insight Andrew.
No problem. :)

All the best

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Post by Andrew Pixley »

Hi Philippa :)
Philippa wrote:Well I have to say, I'm still sort of curious about the film ...
Give it a go. Who knows - it might just work for you.
What I think of things like remakes and turning iconic tv series into blockbusters in general, is that it doesn't work.
e.g. Bewitched. An iconic tv series, and I didn't even finish watching the film, it was just that awful.
Oh goodness ... I remember going to the cinema to see that. My wife and I loved the first 20 minutes (the concept, the gag that this was about people making a new series of "Bewitched", etc.) but then it really didn't do it for us for the last hour and a bit.

On the other hand, "Get Smart" was good fun. Steve Carrell will never, ever be Don Adams ... but its heart was in the right place, had some great gags, and a terrific climax. Plus lots of little nods to the original series which were very sweet ...
However, if I can find the film anywhere (I'm a bit short on money at the moment so buying it is not an option) I will watch it and I will try to be as objective as possible.
Copies used to be cheap and plentiful. Hope you find one for very little money, and hope you enjoy it.

All the best

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Post by kim »

:D Hi Andrew
I quite understand! I think it all depends on how you like your "Avengers" ...
Shaken, not stirred. Oh come on! You knew I had to say it!
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no press screenings

Post by mousemeat »

moorlock2003 wrote:The movie is not worth all the prattling on and on about, as it has widely and correctly been declared terrible by the overwhelming majority of people who had the displeasure of enduring it (and I'm one of them, having sat through it twice). Apologists for this awful movie are simply in denial. Any major studio film not given advance showings for reviewers is a red flag warning that it is a turkey. The only good things about it were a few interesitng visuals (and an $80 million budget should at least give us that) plus the fact that it brought attention to the original series. But honestly, everything else about it reeked.

How true...I remember when it came out, and there was NO press screenings or reviews from many writers, the critics, and eventually the audiences, tore it apart, like hungry dogs ..

It's a tough watch...I guess as someone earlier posted, to even trying to enjoy this 80 million turkey-de-force, one needs to put it in the same universe as that Val Kilmer ' SAINT' film...but even that misfire, was far better than the film...which is sad...It could have been something grand.
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