Need directions to Avengerland

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Need directions to Avengerland

Post by anti-clockwise »

Hello to all of you in Avengerland,
I am a female driver and well I am lost. i am looking for Avengerland. All the maps i see show close up views but i can't locate the actual area. I see Southampton but nothing that remotely looks like Avengerland nearby.

Could anyone be so kind as to give me directions?
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Post by Frankymole »

You want the area around here:

The map of the UK on the right shows the area (Hertfordshire) in red, so you can see where it is compared to everywhere else - nowhere near Southampton!

Also, around Elstree, also in Hertfordshire which is where the studios were - the local lanes were used a lot.

The Avengerland website then gives the close-up detail.
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Post by Speed Six »

Take the coast road out of Southampton towards Little Bazely and then turn north towrds Lower Storpington, fork right to Mithering and then go straight on to Swingingdale. Then keep going round the bend !

Or drive anywhere within a days filming of Elstree Studios...
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