Titles of the episodes: the first TV airs

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denis rigg
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Episode "From Venus with Love"

French - Bons Baisers de Vénus (Good Kisses from Venus)
German - Einmal Venus, Hin und Zurück (Primarily Venus, There and Back)
Italy - Da Venere con Amore (From Venus with Love)
Netherlands - Met de Groeten van Venus (With the Regards from Venus)
Spain - Desde Venus con Amor (From Venus with Love)
Argentina - De Venus con Amor (From Venus with Love)
Portugal - Mensagem de Vênus (Message from Venus)
Turkey - Venüsten Sevgilerle (From Venus with Love)
Sweden - Med Kärlek från Venus (With Love from Venus)
Japan - 金星より愛をこめて (With Love from Venus)
Poland - Pozdrowienia z Wenus (Greetings from Venus)
Croatia - Operacija Venera (Operation Venus)
Russia - От Венеры с любовью (From Venus with Love)
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denis rigg
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Episode "The See-Through Man"

French - L'homme Transparent (The Transparent Man)
German - Die Durchsichtigen (See-Through)
Italy - L'uomo Invisibile (The Invisible Man)
Netherlands - De Onzichtbare Man (The Invisible Man)
Spain - El Hombre Invisible (The Invisible Man)
Iceland - Ösýnilegi Maðurinn (Invisible Man)
Turkey - Görünmeyen Adam (Invisible Man)
Japan - シースルー人間 (See-Through Man)
Russia - Человек-невидимка (Invisible Man)
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Episode "The Winged Avenger"

French - Le Vengeur Volant (The Flying Avenger)
German - Der Geflügelte Rächer (The Winged Avenger)
Italy - Il Vendicatore Alato (The Winged Avenger)
Netherlands - De Gevleugelde Wreker (The Winged Avenger)
Spanish - El Vengador Alado (The Winged Avenger)
Iceland - Fugl Hefndarinnar (Vindictive Bird)
Turkey - Kanatli Intikam (Winged Revenge)
Sweden - Den Bevingade Hämnaren (The Winged Avenger)
Japan - 復讐の天使 (Angel of Revenge)
Croatia - Krilati Osvetnik (Winged Avenger)
Russia - Крылатый мститель (The Winged Avenger)
Last edited by denis rigg on Mon Feb 18, 2019 5:34 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Episode "The Living Dead"

French - Le Mort Vivant (The Living Dead)
German - Der Geist des Duke von Benedikt (The Ghost of the Duke of Benedict)
Italy - Il Morto Vivente (The Living Dead)
Netherlands - De Levende Doden (The Living Dead)
Spanish - El Muerto Viviente (The Living Dead)
Turkey - Yaşayan Ölu (Walking Dead)
Sweden - De Levande Döda (The Living Dead)
Japan - 生きていた幽霊 (A Living Ghost)

It is interesting that although this episode exists with Russian subtitles, the title of the episode has not been translated. :D
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Episode "The Hidden Tiger"

French - Le Tigre Caché (The Hidden Tiger)
German - Vorsicht, Raubkatzen (Attention, Big Cats)
Italy - La Tigre Nascosta (The Hidden Tiger)
Netherlands - De Verborgen Tijger (The Hidden Tiger)
Spanish - El Tigre Escondido (The Hidden Tiger)
Iceland - Tigrisdýr í Leynum (Tiger in Secret)
Poland - Znak Tygrysa (Tiger Sign)
Turkey - Vahsi Kediler (Wild Cats)
Greece - Η κρυμμένη τίγρις (The Hidden Tiger)
Sweden - Den Gömda Tigern (The Hidden Tiger)
Japan - 虎、虎!猫?(Tiger, Tiger! Cat?)
Россия - Притаившийся тигр (The Hidden Tiger)
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Episode "The Correct Way to Kill"

French - Meurtres Distingués (Distinguished Murders)
German - Kennen Sie Snob? (Do You Know Snob?)
Italy - Un Modo Corretto di Uccidere (A Correct Way to Kill)
Netherlands - Hoe Wordt ik een 'Snob'? (How do I Become a 'Snob'?)
Spain - La Forma Correcta de Matar (The Correct Way to Kill)
Sweden - Det Rätta Sättet att Döda (The Correct Way to Kill)
Japan - 殺しのマナー (Manners of Killing)
Россия - Как правильно убивать (How to Kill Correctly)
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Episode "Never, Never Say Die"

French - Interférences (Interferences)
German - Duplikate Gefällig (Pleasant Duplicates)
Italy - Gli Indistruttibili (The Indestructible)
Netherlands - Ontmoeting met een Dode (Meeting with a Dead)
Spanish - Jamás, pero Jamás, Digas: ¡muerte! (Never, Only Never, Say: Death!)
Iceland - Maðurinn, Sem Gat Ekki Dáið (The Man Who Could Not Die)
Sweden - Säg Aldrig Dö (Say Never Die)
Japan - ロボット復活 (Revival Robot)
Россия - Никогда, никогда не говори слова "Смерть" (Never, Never Say the Word "Death")
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Episode "Epic"

French - Caméra Meurtre (Murder Camera)
German - Filmstar Emma Peel (Filmstar Emma Peel)
Italy - Una Straordinaria Avventura (An Extraordinary Adventure)
Netherlands - De Gevallen Sterren (The Fallen Stars)
Spain - Epopeya (Epic)
Turkey - Son Film (Latest Movie)
Sweden - Epos (Epic)
Japan - エマ・ピールの破滅 (Destruction of Emma Peel)
Россия - Эпопея (Epic)
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Episode "The Superlative Seven"

French - Le Dernier des Sept (The Last of Seven)
German - Fliegen sie mal ohne (Fly without one)
Italy - Uno su Sette (One of Seven)
Netherlands - De Zeven Uitverkorenen (The Chosen Seven)
Spanish - Los Siete Superlativos (The Superlative Seven)
Turkey - Muhtesem Yediler (Magnificent Seven)
Sweden - Superlativet Sju (Superlative Seven)
Japan - 選ばれた7人 (The Chosen Seven)
Croatia - Sedmero Najboljih (Best Seven)
Россия - Непревзойдённая семёрка (Unsurpassed Seven)
Last edited by denis rigg on Mon Feb 18, 2019 5:32 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Episode "A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Station"

French - Une Petite Gare Désaffectée (A Small Abandoned Station)
German - Diesmal mit Knalleffekt (This Time with Bombshell)
Italy - Servizio di Sicurezza (Security Service)
Netherlands - Treintje Spelen (Playing a Train)
Spain - Terror en el Tren Informes (Terror in the Train Reports)
Argentina - Algo Extraño Sucedió Camino a la Estación (Strange Thing Happened on the Way to the Station)
Iceland - Það gerðist dálitið skritið á leið í lestina (Strange Thing Happened on the Way to the Train)
Sweden - Lustiga Saker Hande på Vägen (Funny Things Happened on the Way)
Japan - 列車爆破計画 (Plan of Bombing Train)
Россия - Странный случай по пути на станцию (Strange Case on the Way to the Station)
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