Titles of the episodes: the first TV airs

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denis rigg
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Post by denis rigg »


Episode "Something Nasty in the Nursery"

French - Rien ne va plus dans la Nursery (Nothing Goes in the Nursery)
German - Eins, Zwei, Drei - wer hat den Ball? (One, Two, Three - Who has the Ball?)
Italy - Ritorno all'infanzia (Return to Childhood)
Netherlands - Onrust in de Kinderkamer (Unrest in the Nursery)
Spain - Algo Desagradable en la Guardería (Something Unpleasant in the Nursery)
Turkey - Çocuksu Düsler (Childish Dreams)
Iceland - Vágestur í barnaherberginu (Vague in Nursery)
Sweden - Barnkammaren (The Nursery)
Japan - ゴムまりと幻想 (Rubber Ball and Illusion)
Россия - В детской что-то ужасное (Something Terrible in the Nursery)
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denis rigg
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Post by denis rigg »


Episode "The Joker"

French - Le Joker (The Joker)
German - Weekend auf dem Lande (Weekend in the Country)
Italy - Il Jolly (The Joker)
Netherlands - De Joker (The Joker)
Spain - El Comodin (The Joker)
Turkey - Joker (Joker)
Greece - Ό Τζόκερ (The Joker)
Sweden - Jokern (The Joker)
Japan - 恋人よ、僕のバラ (My Lover, My Rose)
Croatia - Joker (Joker)
Россия - Джокер (Joker)
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denis rigg
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Post by denis rigg »


Episode "Who's Who???"

French - Qui Suis-je? (Who am I?)
German - Wer ist Wer? (Who's Who?)
Italy - Wer ist Wer? (Who's Who?)
Netherlands - Wie is Wie? (Who's Who?)
Spanish - ¿Quién es Quién? (Who's Who?)
Iceland - Hver er Hver? (Who's Who?)
Portugal - Afinal Quem Sou eu? (Who am I Anyway?)
Turkey - Kim Kimdir (Who's Who)
Greece - Ποιός είναι ποιός (Who's Who)
Sweden - Vem är Vem (Who's Who)
Japan - 精神移植で誰が誰やら (Mental Transplant, Who's Who)
Россия - Кто есть кто (Who's Who)

P.S./ It is interesting to note that none of the above "corners of the world" use three question marks in their episode title.
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denis rigg
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Added croatian titles for episodes The Winged Avenger and The Superlative Seven in this topic. :)
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denis rigg
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Post by denis rigg »


Episode "Death's Door"

French - La Porte de la Mort (The Door of the Death)
German - Der Wahrgewordene Alptraum (The Nightmare Come True)
Italy - La Porta della Morte (The Door of the Death)
Netherlands - De Deur des Doods (The Door of Death)
Spanish - La Puerta de la Muerte (The Door of the Death)
Portugal - A Porta da Morte (The Door of Death)
Turkey - Ölüm Kapisi (Death's Door)
Greece - Η πόρτα τού θανάτου (The Door of Death)
Sweden - Dödsdörren (Death's Door)
Japan - 死の扉 (Death's Door)
Россия - Дверь в смерть (Door to Death)
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denis rigg
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Episode "Return of the Cybernauts"

French - Le Retour des Cybernautes (The Return of Cybernauts)
German - Und Noch einmal Roboter (And Again Robot)
Italy - Il Ritorno del Cibernauta (The Return of Cybernaut)
Netherlands - De Terugkeer van de Robots (The Return of the Robots)
Spain - El Retorno de los Cibernautas (The Return of the Cybernauts)
Portugal - Regresso do Cibernauta (Return of Cybernaut)
Turkey - Sibernotlarin Dönüsü (Cybernaut Returns)
Iceland - Gervimenn Ganga Aftur (Artificial Humans Returns)
Sweden - Cyberknektarnas återkomst (Cybernauts Returns)
Japan - ロボット復活 (Revival of the Robot)
Россия - Возвращение кибернота (Return of Cybernaut)
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denis rigg
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Episode "Dead Man's Treasure"

French - La Chasse au Trésor (The Treasure Hunt)
German - Mit 160 aus dem Stand (With 160 from the Stand)
Italy - Il Tesoro del Mort (The Treasure of the Dead)
Netherlands - De Autorally (The Rally Cars)
Spanish - El Tesoro Del Muerto (The Treasure of the Dead)
Portugal - O Tesouro de Morto (The Treasure of Dead)
Turkey - Hazine (Treasure)
Iceland - Fjársjóður hins Látna (Treasure of the Dead)
Sweden - Den Döde Mannens Skatt (The Dead Man's Treasure)
Greece - Ό θησαυρός του νεκρού (The Treasure of Dead)
Poland - Skarb Danversa (Danvers' treasure)
Japan - 宝さがしラリー (Rally "Treasure Hunt")
Россия - Сокровище мертвеца (Treasure of the Dead Man)
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