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Posted: Tue Sep 02, 2008 5:28 pm
by thesaintlyone
Thanks for your comment!
Looks like I own some sort of grading suite or have access to the negatives, I wish! No they are taken from the contender set, the same set you own Allard, I tried to encode it with the best quality I could to you-tube and judging by your comments I think I managed it.

Glad it inspired you, makes you wonder what sort of cool trailers we could have if the dvd's were eventually re-released!

If you still don't believe me watch out for the fly still present on the print!

I would love the Avengers to finally see justice done for it along the lines of the Sweeney transfer and dvd's like that with a huge booklet writen by Dave Rodgers then to David Smith and then handing over the reigns to Andrew Pixley to draw what has been a long saga to an end! I want the actual definitive edition! The story of the plight to release the entire surviving series.

Posted: Tue Sep 02, 2008 6:06 pm
by Timeless A-Peel
thesaintlyone wrote:Timeless, at the moment I use Final Cut Pro which quite frankly is the dogs. Avid comes close but hasn't yet convinced me. Though I shall be using it at uni, so who knows. What are the 11 other shows your about to watch, are any of them better than the Avengers? lol
Do you really want to know? :wink: Well, I have to finish Randall and Hopkirk (Deceased), Hugh Laurie's Fortysomething, the fifth season of I Dream of Jeannie, and a bit of one of the Saint sets I found on sale. Then I get to try out The Champions, Adam Adamant Lives! Blackpool, Secret Agent aka Danger Man, Ashes to Ashes, Sapphire and Steel, and, er, Shaun the Sheep (my elementary school librarian was British and showed us lots of Wallace and Gromit, so I have a weakness for little claymation animals). Well, you did ask. :wink: I like R&H a great deal, but it's not up to par with The Avengers (what is?). I think that accolade could only go to Life on Mars.

But back to your software, I know very little about the different programs available out there, but it doesn't sound as if either of those have thrilled you to any great extent. I use Windows Movie Maker for mine, which is pretty easy to use and does the job. The only problem I have with it is that it doesn't let you plop a clip at the start of the song, instead sticking everything at the start of the timeline, meaning I usually have to stick a placeholder in if I'm not constructing the video from the start (a nice long clip of Purdey and Gambit talking in the car has served me well). I have more ideas for videos, but I don't know that I'll be able to put together something as slick as yours. It would be great to have more lovely trailers on the DVDs, though, wouldn't it?

Posted: Tue Sep 02, 2008 6:52 pm
by thesaintlyone
Most of these are great programmes! Not sure about Shaun though, Creature comforts is much better.

Keep meaning to watch all of Randall & Hopkirk, though have always been a fan of the later re-make with Bob & Vic, which was great but just like Bugs didn't happen at the right time, oh well!

I purchased the Dangerman part-work set and love the series. I do mean to see more of Saphire and Steel only seen the first assignment.

Blackpool is a legend of programe that first introduced me to mr David Tennant, he appears in the pilot ep of Randall & Hopkirk, which you probably know. As for Adam Adamant, i keep meaning to buy the dvd!

Life on Mars is of course amazing, but so is almost any othe Kudos show, Hustle, Spooks Moving Wallpaper/Echo Beach!

Perhaps I underplayed Final Cut, it is the best editing programe around really, and if your serious about the vids thats the best thing to get. Though you need to have a mac.

Posted: Tue Sep 02, 2008 7:25 pm
by Timeless A-Peel
thesaintlyone wrote:Most of these are great programmes! Not sure about Shaun though, Creature comforts is much better.

Keep meaning to watch all of Randall & Hopkirk, though have always been a fan of the later re-make with Bob & Vic, which was great but just like Bugs didn't happen at the right time, oh well!

I purchased the Dangerman part-work set and love the series. I do mean to see more of Saphire and Steel only seen the first assignment.

Blackpool is a legend of programe that first introduced me to mr David Tennant, he appears in the pilot ep of Randall & Hopkirk, which you probably know. As for Adam Adamant, i keep meaning to buy the dvd!

Life on Mars is of course amazing, but so is almost any othe Kudos show, Hustle, Spooks Moving Wallpaper/Echo Beach!

Perhaps I underplayed Final Cut, it is the best editing programe around really, and if your serious about the vids thats the best thing to get. Though you need to have a mac.
Never heard of Creature Comforts, and one of these days I'll have to check out the Randall and Hopkirk remake, which seems to have been successful, surprisingly. But I love the original Jeff and Marty as it is.

I'm hoping that I'll dislike Patrick McGoohan less after Danger Man. I didn't take to The Prisoner--it sort of peaked in the middle, and then got progressively more strange for strange's sake. But Blackpool looks fun for the musical numbers alone. That's what Doctor Who needs--more musical numbers!

But Kudos is definitely putting out brilliant stuff. I love Hustle--they're like little mini Ocean's Elevens. And you can't go wrong with Marc Warren! I'm hoping Ashes continues the trend.

Posted: Tue Sep 02, 2008 7:40 pm
by thesaintlyone
Wow you've never heard of creature comforts, it's only like the first Ardman success! The basic concept is real people voice animals, it's really British so you may not get some of it, though apparently Candian humour is similar?

Here's the ad that started it!

As for the Randall and Hopkirk remake the first episode is hilarious, you keep guessing how and when Marty will die! Some of the last episodes are the closest tv has come to the Avengers since. I recommend you watch them! Former doctor Tom Baker is also in them!

The Prisoner is a masterpiece and the details about the production fascinating, battling between the sureal and the spy drama. Dangerman certainly helps you understand the origins of the Prisoner and by the end it is difficult not to respect the man.

I can't stop typing, Mark Warren's recent turn in "Wanted" was brilliant and this new programe he is in Mutual Friends is also excellent!
Sorta like a new "Cold Feet" if you've seen that?

Posted: Tue Sep 02, 2008 7:41 pm
by thesaintlyone
I have just realised that Mutual friends is on tonight in 20 minutes, fantastic. Hope you get to see it second ep in it's shaping up to be great!

Posted: Tue Sep 02, 2008 9:06 pm
by Timeless A-Peel
thesaintlyone wrote:Wow you've never heard of creature comforts, it's only like the first Ardman success! The basic concept is real people voice animals, it's really British so you may not get some of it, though apparently Candian humour is similar?

Here's the ad that started it!

As for the Randall and Hopkirk remake the first episode is hilarious, you keep guessing how and when Marty will die! Some of the last episodes are the closest tv has come to the Avengers since. I recommend you watch them! Former doctor Tom Baker is also in them!

The Prisoner is a masterpiece and the details about the production fascinating, battling between the sureal and the spy drama. Dangerman certainly helps you understand the origins of the Prisoner and by the end it is difficult not to respect the man.

I can't stop typing, Mark Warren's recent turn in "Wanted" was brilliant and this new programe he is in Mutual Friends is also excellent!
Sorta like a new "Cold Feet" if you've seen that?
Oh, yes, I saw Creature Comforts when I was on vacation in Quebec, ironically. I missed the opening credits, though, so I didn't know what it was called. It was adorable. There was a little earthworm that said something or other was "complete pants" (one of my favourite British phrases ever since Random FrequentFlyer Dent took one look at her dad and said it).

Canadian humour is quite similar to British humour? Yes, I think so. It would be hard for it not to be, being a British colony and all. It has evolved, though, obviously, but I have to strongly object to Brian Clemens' assertion that Canadians "have no sense of humour." Particularly considering the fact that most of the comedians now working in Hollywood are Canadian. And then there's the Stargate series, of course. That's chock full of Canadian humour.

Posted: Tue Sep 02, 2008 11:23 pm
by Artanis
thesaintlyone wrote:Artanis, thanks I still haven't seen hardly any of the 2nd season, I really want to see "Mr Teddy Bear", whenever the dvd's are released or if I come across an old vid. Sorry to hear you haven't finished series 3, I ruined the ending for you, sorry about that. :?
That's okay, I've already read about what happens at the end anyway.

And I hope you get to see Season 2, it has some great episodes.

Posted: Wed Sep 03, 2008 12:32 am
by kim
thesaintlyone wrote:Thanks, nice to hear your excited about seeing it, tried to inject the style of that era with it. Hope you enjoy it tonight.

As I said before it really did take ages as I kept watching the eps to find the right soundbites.

I can not see how you and the others have the patience to put together such great videos! Even though I've had something floating in my head lately, I do not have the time or the know how to do what you have done. Amazing! Wonderful job saint..

Posted: Wed Sep 03, 2008 8:22 am
by thesaintlyone
Thanks again guys for the great comments, nice to hear i've done the show justice. Artanis thanks to PhilippaRM I am just watching Death Dispatch, one mercy for the show not being avaliable on dvd is there is no point in taking up copyright as far as i can see. So far the episode whilst completely different than any Avengers ep i've ever seen, it is more like "Dangerman!" Is good.

Kim thanks for the kind words, if you have an idea you should have a go, or pass the idea on to someone else who can realise it. Just be prepared to spend ages trying to get it right.