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Posted: Sun Nov 22, 2009 5:43 pm
by Avenger14
I've just gotten back from the show, although I didn't actually meet Honor Blackman I did walk past her table a couple of times and she didn't seem that busy which was a surprise. I think the second time around she was watching me (although she might have just been looking in my general direction) so I did give her a smile :oops: I had run out of money by the time I got round to her but I wouldn't really know what to say to her considering I haven't yet watched any Cathy Gale episodes.

My sister came with me and she kept saying to me how great Honor Blackman still looks at her age and she does!

I didn't actually see any Avengers memorabilia at the show, apart from the new series 2 DVD boxset and The New Avengers boxset. But still it was a brilliant day and I hope to go to more in future!