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Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2021 6:31 am
by dissolute
I don't think he chose the club at random, he already knew Venus - and she him.

Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2021 1:37 pm
by mousemeat
always like this episode...good feel to it..good pacing..and camera angles, etc

and what's not to like about venus Smith ? it seems that most 'fans' would either love her, or dislike her....myself, like her...sorta a shame, she had only a brief run on the the series continued to evolve ..

Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2021 9:05 pm
by Lee
dissolute wrote:I don't think he chose the club at random, he already knew Venus - and she him.
Hmm ... I didn't get that from the episode. Their first dialogue on screen didn't say to me they knew each other......

Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2021 10:31 pm
by dissolute
This seems like they know each other already to me. Why else would she come and sit at his table anyway?

Posted: Sun Jul 18, 2021 11:26 pm
by Frankymole
Yes, Venus and Steed were clearly known to each other already, because he doesn't introduce himself by name to her here.
darren wrote:I see it literally means 'ten-footed' - is it meant as a play on words as in 10 foot for the wrestler meaning he has huge stature and a force to be reckoned with..?
It's because the wrestler has based his ring symbol/persona on "Decapodiformes" or a giant squid. Presumably because his ten fingers are able to defeat any opponent!

In the rehearsal script Steed tells Venus that a decapod is a giant squid with ten tentacles instead of an octopus's eight. Harry Ramsden's gown has a squid insignia on the back. Sadly in the televised version Steed instead gabbles something about fish fingers!

There's some interesting stuff about the various species here:
Lee wrote: Over all, an interesting little story, with a larger than life guest star. Philip Madoc does a particularly good turn as the foreign diplomat whom you are not quite sure if you trust.
Philip Madoc was multilingual and actually had worked in an embassy in Vienna for a time (the major hotbed of Cold War intrigue). So, perfect casting as the ambassador.

I feel Macnee threw himself into the final wrestling fight because he knew how much Honor Blackman had to do in similar fight scenes! I note how one of his fights, in "Propellant 23", was "done" during a commercial break and just reported in brief dialogue afterwards, which seemed a cop-out.

Posted: Mon Jul 19, 2021 3:03 am
by mousemeat
Frankymole wrote:Yes, Venus and Steed were clearly known to each other already, because he doesn't introduce himself by name to her here.
darren wrote:I see it literally means 'ten-footed' - is it meant as a play on words as in 10 foot for the wrestler meaning he has huge stature and a force to be reckoned with..?
It's because the wrestler has based his ring symbol/persona on "Decapodiformes" or a giant squid. Presumably because his ten fingers are able to defeat any opponent!

In the rehearsal script Steed tells Venus that a decapod is a giant squid with ten tentacles instead of an octopus's eight. Harry Ramsden's gown has a squid insignia on the back. Sadly in the televised version Steed instead gabbles something about fish fingers!

There's some interesting stuff about the various species here:
Lee wrote: Over all, an interesting little story, with a larger than life guest star. Philip Madoc does a particularly good turn as the foreign diplomat whom you are not quite sure if you trust.
Philip Madoc was multilingual and actually had worked in an embassy in Vienna for a
time (the major hotbed of Cold War intrigue). So, perfect casting as the ambassador.

I feel Macnee threw himself into the final wrestling fight because he knew how much Honor Blackman had to do in similar fight scenes! I note how one of his fights, in "Propellant 23", was "done" during a commercial break and just reported in brief dialogue afterwards, which seemed a cop-out.

always liked Madoc..great supporting actor..who was in many UK series, such as Dr.Who, UFO, Avengers, etc...classy gent..who sadly passed away in 2012

Posted: Mon Jul 19, 2021 8:08 am
by Frankymole
I was thinking this was an early role for him, 1962. Most TV things I have on DVD with him are from 1968 onwards, though he was in a Dr Who movie in 1966. But I think he's in the earliest surviving Public Eye episode with Alfie Burke from 1965. That's pretty sleazy too, about a call girl racket, though it does have Dr Who's granddaughter in it (Carole Ann Ford) going for a more adult vibe soon after she left that show. Madoc came back to Public Eye in a different role and was equally as good. But then, he always is.

Posted: Mon Jul 19, 2021 2:43 pm
by mousemeat
my fave Venus Smith episode ...sadly, she didn't get to evolve-or-mature into the role...just as mrs. Gale arrived....followed by Peel and king...the series always had interesting female characters...

Posted: Mon Jul 19, 2021 4:01 pm
by Frankymole
Yes, even Series 1 had some. The regular Carol Wilson (Ingrid Hafner) was great, and Dr Keel had his own avenging female partner in one episode crossing from South America to Europe, Dr Ampara Alverez Sandoval (Katherine Blake).

Then Steed got assistance from his own Department's agents like Melanie (Ann Saker), top scientists like Lisa Strauss (Sylvia Langova), and even the dynamic teenager Bunty Seton (Sally Smith). Lots of spirited ladies in the sadly lost first season put Venus to shame!

Though I admit she's got a lot of guts in this one.

Re: 2.08 - The Decapod

Posted: Sun Feb 19, 2023 10:12 am
by Ian Wegg
Episode 3.

I watched this late yesterday afternoon which, as it turned out, was highly appropriate ... just like old times! I was also amused at the character name Harry Ramsden. Some here will know what I mean ;) *

Lots more reviews for this one than for the previous two. I've not much to add. I note that Mike's "Bowler Hats and Kinky Boots" says that the rehearsal script had Steed calling Venus by name but the camera script was altered to indicate they were meeting for the first time. I found the meeting scene ambiguous, but in some ways that is all part of the mystery. Like others, I did lose my way a bit with the plot, I wasn't entirely sure what was going on.

I rate this third of the three I've watched so far.

*For those who don't share my cultural references: ITV used to broadcast sport all afternoon on Saturdays and the 4:00pm - 5:00pm slot was invariable wrestling. Harry Ramsden is a famous UK chain of Fish & Chips shops.