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Posted: Sun Aug 22, 2021 2:29 pm
by mousemeat
Frankymole wrote:I love the bit where they call an ambulance for the shot man, Dr King pronounces him dead, and the hotelier grumpily says "I'll get rid of that ambulance, then". Presumably he knows the police are on their way, but it seems so churlish.
now there's a word that I like..' churlish '.....not used a lot these

Posted: Sun Oct 24, 2021 9:31 pm
by Allard
Not an episodes that deserves some of the negative reviews it receives.

It's not really Avengers in the sense that it's in somewhat fantasy high class world, pretty much every day sixties live, with quite a few exterior shots. That quite makes me like this one, it oozes early 60s Britain.

The plot is a bit thin, but holds up. Steed is very much in character, on top op things, playful, dangerous or in danger. Dr King is a nice character I agree, sympathetically played by Rollason who does stand up for himself, but it is not enough to make him interesting in a spy thriller. His opposition to Steeds manipulation makes him a proto-Cathy Gale.

By far the most interesting feature is One-Twelve who almost takes the place of the diabolical mastermind. For the really DM one even feels sorry. One-Twelve is quite memorable, irritating and yet also a real leader, a strong persona, a shame he was a one off.

Re: 2.03 - The Sell-Out

Posted: Sun Jul 09, 2023 5:15 pm
by Frankymole
The brothers watch The Sell-Out. An episode I've changed my mind about previously.