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Posted: Wed Dec 30, 2020 8:27 pm
by darren
I gave this one my annual festive rewatch - though it hardly feels like any time since I last watched it [shakes fist at 2020].

I'll always enjoy it but... I don't know... this time I found I had issues with the plotting. Woodhouse wanted to write about a deadly virus but the way that Steed and Cathy connect with the story feels rather desperate - there's some massive logic leaps. The burglary being on the front page of a newspaper when Dr. Ashe makes it clear that it's a non-story. By making the creator of the virus so isolated and small scale, it requires a massive suspension of disbelief to see Steed and Cathy discovering things. And the ending is rather confusing. The eggs are fakes but Redfern reacts like they aren't - does Cathy knock him out..? Does he faint..? I like the quick cutting of the final act but it does lose the thread a bit.

I don't know. I don't think I was properly in the mood this year. I'll always love it mostly for Peter Hammond's direction and the general atmosphere.

Posted: Thu Dec 31, 2020 2:23 am
by Frankymole
I haven't got to it yet but those sound like valid points. Mind you the BioNTech vaccine has a husband and wife team behind it. Still, you'd think Porton Down would be more interested in biowarfare stuff going on in the UK. Tonight I'm watching Dressed to Kill (of course - though it did come up randomly!) but I will see if the 2020 pandemic disaster influences my re-re-view of the Golden Eggs.

Posted: Fri Nov 12, 2021 11:42 pm
by Frankymole
Just watched this again. Lovely to see Pauline Delaney, who played Frank Marker's landlady in some excellent episodes of Roger Marshall's "Public Eye". She had a good mercenary role in this and was turned to the side of the angels by Cathy Gale in the end.

Peter Hammond really was one of a kind wasn't he? I'm glad he co-invented the Avengers "style" but I wish more of the directors were as inspired at painting pictures with light like he was. This is a perfect showcase for his talents. The episode still looks a million dollars in terms of composition and was probably made for tuppence ha'penny.

Re: 2.19 - The Golden Eggs

Posted: Sun Oct 15, 2023 4:14 pm
by Frankymole
The brothers react to what I've always found to be one of the most disturbing episodes, The Golden Eggs: