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Posted: Fri May 27, 2016 7:46 am
by denis rigg
dissolute wrote:You are the business, Denis! Last time I checked Britmovies & movie dude, he was still an unknown.
This was sudden happy finding, Piers! :wink: The next week will introduce some other interesting research that I've done.

The circumstances, from the afternoon to Sunday (full day) I will not be home - back to Avengerland on Monday.

In turn, I send the thanks (to admit, belated thanks) to you, Piers, for the identification of an extra Raf de la Torre in an episode "The Master Minds".

I tried for years to identify the man and once spent a whole day on it, flowing sweat :) , but to no avail.


Posted: Fri May 27, 2016 10:10 am
by Ian Wegg is useful site for actors' appearances, I found Clifford Earl there in 2014.


Posted: Fri May 27, 2016 2:06 pm
by Andrew Pixley
Terrific thread. Always interested to see uncredited cast being identified! :)

All the best


Posted: Mon May 30, 2016 4:23 pm
by denis rigg

John Cam
played in The Saint, Gideon's Way, movie Circus of Fear, and other works.

Posted: Tue May 31, 2016 12:53 pm
by denis rigg
Recently it became known the date of birth of one of our favorite stunts and doubles of Patrick Macnee. :)

Paul Weston

Born on January 7, 1940 ... pointments

In addition, I found another appearing of Paul in the episode "Escape in Time".

Paul as Tout


As a result, Paul played three roles in mentioned episode: Philanderer, Josino's double & Tout.

Posted: Tue May 31, 2016 3:55 pm
by anti-clockwise
THat's fun to see his stunt double something we were never suppose to know. :wink: thanks Denis.

Posted: Tue May 31, 2016 10:26 pm
by dissolute
Thanks Denis, I just looked at Escape in Time a month ago and still didn't connect Paul to the tout, not sure what I was thinking.... He's in a couple of other episodes as well.

Paul in my regulars gallery: ... egulars/#W

Personally, I'm still not convinced that the other guy is John Cam, the only definite ID for the name is of a Doctor Who extra and the resemblance was passing at best (and he had a shaven head for the part!).
Unfortunately, it's a lost Doctor Who so I can't watch it to check.
He turns up all the time in ITC shows like Dangerman so there must be something somewhere...

[By the way, the ID for Bill Sully in You Only Live Twice I still think is Michael Nightingale, whom he closely resembles, but I know I'm in the minority on that one).

Posted: Wed Jun 01, 2016 8:23 am
by denis rigg
From my point of view, Josino's double and Tout are clearly same man.

Ear, nose, faint mustache, chin, almost identical hairstyle (that seen on screen) and even the hat on his head at the same angle.



Also, Paul as a journalist in episode Death's Door. :wink:


Yes, Piers, as for John Cam I was based on results from Moviedude, and Gerard Lovell here: ... u-196.html

Frankly, I had no doubt in these sources (unlike IMDB and aveleyman) and did not continue the search.

Now I researched topic: ... rch-2.html

Seems actually John Cam is other person.
Thanks for info, Piers. :wink: I hope we find out who is really our extra in Two's a crowd.

Posted: Wed Jun 01, 2016 8:33 am
by denis rigg
Piers, however I can to confirm that person on picture below is Charles Rayford. :wink:


He is in credits for "Stars of the Roller State Disco". This is he. :)

Posted: Wed Jun 01, 2016 8:53 am
by denis rigg
Other man, Moonshiner in episode Emily (1977)


I suspect for many years he is Kurt Schiegl (ex-boxer).

He played a similar role in the Canadian film Starship Invasion (1977).



I have the movie in own collection, must admit actor plays even in the same manner as Moonshiner in TNA. :D Fine actor.

He is also remembered as Faum from The Ulam Tribe in movie Quest for Fire (1981). :)

Seaway (1966).
