the ultimate episode?

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Post by Timeless A-Peel »

BitShifter wrote:"Death At Bargain Prices" has a little bit of everything that the average Joe on the street identifies with "The Avengers":

1. Eccentric characters
2. Outrageous plot
3. Steed being charming
4. Sexual tension (and occasional risque humor)
5. Emma in leather
6. Emma in bondage (or other subtle kinkiness)
7. Emma fighting (with those edgy "finger snaps", no less)
8. Steed and Emma working both together and separately

Not necessarily the best or most satisfying episode, nor my favorite, but perhaps the most demonstrative of all of the elements that are typically associated with The Avengers.
You took the words right out of my mouth. When I think quintessential Avengers, I think Death at Bargain Prices. (Ironically, all the other common fan favourites, Cybernauts, A Touch of Brimstone, The Hour that Never Was, and Too Many Christmas Trees wouldn't come anywhere near my top five). But Bargain just is Avengers from start to finish--fun and sinister in all the right places, and the Steed/Emma banter is perfect.

Otherwise, I'd have to say The Wringer or The Nutshell for the Gales. Both quite dark, Steed's loyalty is thrown into question, Cathy proves herself to be an equal in every respect (our only Avenger girl to get shot until Purdey, folks!), and wonderfully moody atmospheres.

Throw in Honey for the Prince for Emma as well.

Game does a good job of summing up some of the best bits of the Tara era. So does Fog (I love Take-Over, but it's not really reprsentative of the rest of the season). Who Was That Man I Saw You With? is good if you're thinking later in the season when Tara's character benefited from better writing.

TNA: It has to be Target or Faces doesn't it? Best Purdey/Gambit banter, a real sense of peril, wonderful relationship sketches between the trio. But Obsession and Dead Men deserve a mention for exploiting TNA's habit of taking its characters and making them that much more real. Avengerland is rebooted every time Steed and co. saunter off into the sunset. TNA doesn't reboot--everything doesn't always wrap up as neatly.
Last Watched: Who Was That Man I Saw You With?


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Post by Frankymole »

Dandy Forsdyke wrote:I agree with BitShifter - plus the best line ever uttered in the series.

"I asked the chief predator where to find you and he said, "Our Mrs. Peel is in ladies' underwear." I rattled up the stairs three at a time. "

"Merry quips department on the fifth floor, sir.
I also like the bits where they're going around the departments with the prams and the hats...

Agreed, this is probably the "quintessential" Avengers story in that it has all the right elements, and Steed and Emma working both together and alone at various stages, and seen on and off duty... Much as I love "The Hour That Never Was" they spend an unusual amount of time with Emma "missing" (similar as regards Steed in "House That Jack Built", "The Joker" etc) - fine for viewers who've seen their usual modus operandi, but misleading for a new viewer who wants to get a grip on the show, perhaps.
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Post by DiVicenzo »

Frankymole wrote:
Dandy Forsdyke wrote:I agree with BitShifter - plus the best line ever uttered in the series.

"I asked the chief predator where to find you and he said, "Our Mrs. Peel is in ladies' underwear." I rattled up the stairs three at a time. "

"Merry quips department on the fifth floor, sir.
I also like the bits where they're going around the departments with the prams and the hats...

Agreed, this is probably the "quintessential" Avengers story in that it has all the right elements, and Steed and Emma working both together and alone at various stages, and seen on and off duty... Much as I love "The Hour That Never Was" they spend an unusual amount of time with Emma "missing" (similar as regards Steed in "House That Jack Built", "The Joker" etc) - fine for viewers who've seen their usual modus operandi, but misleading for a new viewer who wants to get a grip on the show, perhaps.
Yes, agreed - one of the partners is missing for a long time.

And, now folk have mentioned TNA - well, for me the two that spring to mind are 'Sleeper' and Target' - if I may :)
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Re: the ultimate episode?

Post by Artanis »

mousemeat wrote:we all have favorite shows...but if you personally had to pick one show that best explained the show, or better yet, the best one from all the eras of the show, Gale,Peel, King, and New Avengers, what one would you select ?
Here's my selections:

Cathy Gale Era: "Mandrake" - An interesting story and it really sums up what the videotape episodes were like. Would make a great introduction to seasons 2 & 3.

B&W Emma: I agree with everyone above who picked "Death At Bargain Prices." It's definitely one of the most quintessential episodes of the entire series. My second choice would be "The Town Of No Return."

Color Emma: "Death's Door" - It was the first episode of The Avengers that I watched and is a good example of the rest of the season.

Tara King Era: "Who Was That Man I Saw You With?" - One of the best Tara episodes with great performances by everyone. A very good plot and Tara really shows how good of an agent she is.

TNA: "Target!" - It's serious and fun at the same time. And we see just how much the trio cares about each other. My favorite TNA episode.
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Re: the ultimate episode?

Post by mousemeat »

mousemeat wrote:we all have favorite shows...but if you personally had to pick one show that best explained the show, or better yet, the best one from all the eras of the show, Gale,Peel, King, and New Avengers, what one would you select ?
again, sure has been some great selections from everyone, which is neat,as it really helps define the show..

After everyone pretty much lists their choices, it would be interesting if we then choose ONE episode as the ultimate. JUST 1.

from any of the eras...

now that will be some interesting reading !
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Post by waldotyson »

I would say "The living dead" since that was the first episode I ever watched and I must say I immediately understood what the show was all about and fell in love with it (and my beloved Emma) right then and there.
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Post by Allard »

waldotyson wrote:I would say "The living dead" since that was the first episode I ever watched and I must say I immediately understood what the show was all about and fell in love with it (and my beloved Emma) right then and there.

Whereas I think the Living Dead is any episode that looses it's appeal with repeated viewing.

Post by Rodney »

It was a remake in all but name and I agree that it gets worse with each viewing. I find the ghost hunters really tedious.
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Post by malte1982 »

The quintessential Episode is ESCAPE IN TIME.

There is all in: Humor, Surrealismus and nice action (CarChase, Emma-Foot-Chase, Showdown).
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Post by Avengerholic »

Death ay Bargain Prices or The Town of No Return :wink:
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