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Posted: Wed Jun 23, 2021 10:45 am
by Frankymole
Yes I can hear Ian Hendry saying those words. I love the biro'd insertions! Whose script is that? I wish we had Pat's or Ian's rehearsal scripts to see what their first-day reworkings looked like.

The stuff with the criminals having to behave themselves around the super-enthusiastic schoolgirl was quite funny.

Posted: Wed Jun 23, 2021 11:24 am
by dissolute
It's Barbara Forster's copy of the camera script - Barabara was the Production Assistant for the episode.
There's a script for "Please Don't Feed the Animals" which has Pitman shorthand lines added, some of which are a bit ... opaque.

I'm vaguely contemplating uploading all the scripts I have that are not yet linked on my site but I'm not sure how that would go copyright-wise. They were offered as a free download because they forgot to put them on the Tunnel of Fear DVD but I don't know who "owns" them.

Those I have linked were offered to me privately before they were offered to Studio Canal.

I agree with you about the schoolgirl scenes, it must have been a great episode to watch. I've come to realise that despite the reputation for being hard-boiled thrillers in series 1, there is a great deal of tongue in cheek dialogue and comic relief in many episodes. Norman Chappell turns up several times just to play the comic relief. Great stuff!

By the way, thank you for your positive feedback, it means a lot. "Such a perfect synopsis", I'm not sure about that but I try my best!

Posted: Wed Jun 23, 2021 4:23 pm
by Frankymole
Well it must be pretty good, because when I saw the Tele-Snap reconstruction and listened to the audio it was exactly how I imagined from reading the synopsis earlier.

I own the Tunnel of Fear DVD. I totally forgot it was meant to have scripts on it. Probably just as well, otherwise I'd have to experience each episode 5 times in one night - synopsis, book, reconstruction, script, and audio.