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Posted: Tue Nov 25, 2008 10:14 am
by Artanis
Not one of my favorites either. To me, it's the worst episode from season 5. The whole plot is nonsense and it's too silly. I thought it was okay when I first watched it but it doesn't hold up very well the second time around. Warren Mitchell was very good in "The Charmers" but in this episode his character is very annoying. And I agree, the scenes with Roy Kinnear are the best. He was always a great guest star.

Posted: Tue Nov 25, 2008 10:16 am
by Allard
Thee See-Though Man is in my opinion a rather good Peel Colour episode, but not one of the best. The plot works and the direction is good. Plus we get great character; John Nettleton, Roy Kinear, the female Russian.. oops spy from the other side. And Brodny isn't that bad but he is played so over the top and self centred. Acting is about interacting, something Macnee and Rigg do nicely in this episode, but Warren Mitchell is putting on some kind of one man show. A real episode wrecker.

Posted: Tue Nov 25, 2008 10:35 am
by Alan
I'm a little surprised at the negative opinions on this one (not that I don't respect them), as I've always loved this one. Brodny is quite wonderful - I've always found him an entertaining character, well worthy of his distinction as one of the very small number of recurring supporting characters.

Mind you, I've not seen the episode in years - still waiting for the promised Blu-ray sets before I launch myself headlong into The Avengers once more. Maybe my opinion will have changed?

Posted: Wed Nov 26, 2008 5:36 pm
by waldotyson
Alan wrote:I'm a little surprised at the negative opinions on this one (not that I don't respect them), as I've always loved this one. Brodny is quite wonderful - I've always found him an entertaining character, well worthy of his distinction as one of the very small number of recurring supporting characters.
That's just it- he's an entertaining character. If I were to take this episode seriously I'd probably hate it along w/ everyone else, but as I watch the Avengers I turn my mind off and just let the show take me away and that's when I just laugh at the character for the clown that he is. I think that's the way the producers meant it to be.

Posted: Wed Nov 26, 2008 5:41 pm
by Philippa
It's not one of my favourites, but I definitely don't mind watching it.
I especially like the fight scene between Emma and that woman (forgot her name) where Emma pushes her away and the woman get's knocked unconcious by that filing cabinet :lol:

Posted: Wed Nov 26, 2008 5:52 pm
by DiVicenzo
Philippa wrote:It's not one of my favourites, but I definitely don't mind watching it.
I especially like the fight scene between Emma and that woman (forgot her name) where Emma pushes her away and the woman get's knocked unconcious by that filing cabinet :lol:

Moira Anderson? Yes, Diana talks about this scene with Paul O'Grady saying the person who hit the filing cabinet was in fact a bloke - ha!
I like the way Emma throws Brodny through the window saying something like 'And, ziz is the Emma Peel' in the mock Brodny accent

Posted: Wed Nov 26, 2008 6:35 pm
by Philippa
^Yes! I had the Paul O'Grady interview in mind when I wrote my last post :D

Posted: Wed Nov 26, 2008 8:20 pm
by Dandy Forsdyke
It's Moira Lister. Moira Anderson was a Scottish folk singer.

I love the... "Und Zis is zee Emma Peel Push off!" line

what should have been

Posted: Thu Nov 27, 2008 3:08 am
by mousemeat
helenofirvine wrote:I have to remember you're not talking about the Positive/Negative man. This episode does sit low on the scale. In fact, I avoid watching it.
this episode is a prime example, of an idea, or script, that did not
end up playing well....every show has a misfire or two..and this one
is a prime example..

Posted: Thu Nov 27, 2008 9:06 am
by DiVicenzo
Dandy Forsdyke wrote:It's Moira Lister. Moira Anderson was a Scottish folk singer.

I love the... "Und Zis is zee Emma Peel Push off!" line

For some reason I knew it wasn't right - hence my question mark - blimey! I am showing my age though, aren't I ??? :shock: