The Avengers--You cast the movie

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Post by TheDeeMan »

Philippa wrote:^I was only joking!
I shall give it some serious thought, I promise.
I know you were joking. :) And it was great seeing the old French and Saunders clip. I live in the US and only saw this shw briefly when Comedy Central showed it after AbFab hit over here.

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kim wrote:
TheDeeMan wrote:Sigh. I give up.

I figured as much as folks hated Ralph Fiennes and Uma Thurman as Steed and Emma that maybe you all had some SERIOUS notions as to who you'd like to see play the parts if ever there was ever a new version of the Avengers made.

But i guess not.

I think one of the problems in recasting the roles is that you are going to have a weak imitation at best. There was just something in the way Patrick and Diana played their parts and then played off of each other that isn't likely to be captured again. I can't picture any of the others, i.e., Tara, Purdey, etc., ever being recast either.

On a side note, I didn't hate Fieness or Thurman in the roles of Steed and Peel per se. Both are great actors, but as I said above, there was just something that came from Patrick and Diana that just can't be done by anyone else.
But is THAT the problem then. Are we looking for actors who would be damned good in the roles oif Steed/Peel and do the best job they can with the role or are we looking for someone to be the Steed/Peel of our beloved memories? In the latter case I'd say you're just out of luck.

As to Saffron Burrows? I like her in the things I've seen her in, but she seems at times to be too reserved to play Emma peel Which is why I suggested Catherine Zeta-Jones. She has a bit of the mischievous swashbuckler in her that I think would do a re-imagined Emma peel proud. I also like Kate Winslet. She could sure as help ACT the part.

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But is THAT the problem then. Are we looking for actors who would be damned good in the roles oif Steed/Peel and do the best job they can with the role or are we looking for someone to be the Steed/Peel of our beloved memories? In the latter case I'd say you're just out of luck.

I think what makes this such a difficult question to answer is that there are so many variables involved with the original series.

I've yet to see the Gale era, so I simply can't comment on it, but from what I've experienced with the rest of the eras, it's more than possible to have replacements for Cathy Gale, Emma Peel, Tara King and Purdey, but you can not possibly replace Steed. Steed is the constant throughout. So in my opinion, you can replace Mrs. Peel, but you need Steed.

Now, does that mean another actor can't play the role? Of course not. A good actor with a good script could easily do that and do it well with another "side kick", but in my opionion, you can not bring back the magic that we got with Diana Rigg and Patrick Macnee in their respective roles.

Why not? Because it's no secret that Macnee was crazy about Diana Rigg and that she had a high opinion of him and if you keep that in mind when you watch the show, you can see their respect for each other is carried over into their characters. It would be damned near impossible to find two new actors to bring that into play now.

Steed's character changed with each new partner. From what I've read, Steed was or could be a real jerk with Cathy Gale. He became a bit more gentlemanly, though still a womanizer with Mrs. Peel. He was a bit more fatherly and protective with Tara King, and much more the mentor with Purdey and Gambit. Steed, with a new partner could be done, but I think it would be a mistake to try and bring back Steed and Peel.
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I have to agree with Kim there--much of the partnership between Steed and his variosu sidekicks was informed by their offscreen relationships. Ian and Honor were a little more acerbic with him (they got on well, no doubt about it, but there was more friction), he clicked instantly with Diana, felt protective toward Linda (who promptly dragged him out to the discotheque), and had a sort of mentorly comraderie with Joanna and Gareth (who, in turn, were great buddies who seemed to spend 99% of the time giggling while they nursed their bruises). The characters are cardboard--the actors filled them out. Patrick was given three words to describe his character--"Steed stands there." No traits. No description. Just a name. Everything else had to be made from whole cloth. Would it be as successful with someone trying to copy characters that were essentially built around the actors? It's a hard sell, but I think Kim's right--it could be done. Donald Monat did his own spin on Steed, but I don't ever think imposter. They would have to bring something fresh to the role while retaining just enough to keep it recognisably "Steed." Emma would be the same way. I think that's why I liked Brian Clemens' reboot idea--if we wind Steed and Emma back a few years, to the earliest days of their partnership, we can sees traces of the characters we love, while giving the actors room to move and grow and create their own Steed and Emma, naturally. I think, if you must have a Steed and a Emma, that would be the best way to go. Plopping them in and expecting it to feel like episode 26 of season 5 just isn't going to work.
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Post by TheDeeMan »

Timeless A-Peel wrote:I have to agree with Kim there--much of the partnership between Steed and his variosu sidekicks was informed by their offscreen relationships. Ian and Honor were a little more acerbic with him (they got on well, no doubt about it, but there was more friction), he clicked instantly with Diana, felt protective toward Linda (who promptly dragged him out to the discotheque), and had a sort of mentorly comraderie with Joanna and Gareth (who, in turn, were great buddies who seemed to spend 99% of the time giggling while they nursed their bruises). The characters are cardboard--the actors filled them out. Patrick was given three words to describe his character--"Steed stands there." No traits. No description. Just a name. Everything else had to be made from whole cloth. Would it be as successful with someone trying to copy characters that were essentially built around the actors? It's a hard sell, but I think Kim's right--it could be done. Donald Monat did his own spin on Steed, but I don't ever think imposter. They would have to bring something fresh to the role while retaining just enough to keep it recognisably "Steed." Emma would be the same way. I think that's why I liked Brian Clemens' reboot idea--if we wind Steed and Emma back a few years, to the earliest days of their partnership, we can sees traces of the characters we love, while giving the actors room to move and grow and create their own Steed and Emma, naturally. I think, if you must have a Steed and a Emma, that would be the best way to go. Plopping them in and expecting it to feel like episode 26 of season 5 just isn't going to work.
Starting the movie at the earliest days of the Steed/Peel partnership isn't a NEW idea. It's exactly what they tried and failed miserably at in The Avengers movie. It's a great idea because you can build the relationship between the two from scratch, give the actors a chance to make the characters their own, and give us a chance to settle in to these new versions of our old faves. But the idea is anything but new.

I personally could have lived with Fiennes Steed if only Thurman's Emma were equal to the task. It wasn't. Or the story didn't give her much to work with. I think the movie depended on the moviegoer bringing with them a sense of who these characters were SUPPOSED to be, and when we did we found their wasn't much of those characters in what we saw, nor much to like in the movie they gave us.

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Post by Timeless A-Peel »

TheDeeMan wrote:Starting the movie at the earliest days of the Steed/Peel partnership isn't a NEW idea. It's exactly what they tried and failed miserably at in The Avengers movie. It's a great idea because you can build the relationship between the two from scratch, give the actors a chance to make the characters their own, and give us a chance to settle in to these new versions of our old faves. But the idea is anything but new.

I personally could have lived with Fiennes Steed if only Thurman's Emma were equal to the task. It wasn't. Or the story didn't give her much to work with. I think the movie depended on the moviegoer bringing with them a sense of who these characters were SUPPOSED to be, and when we did we found their wasn't much of those characters in what we saw, nor much to like in the movie they gave us.

It is if they're a) younger and b) portrayed as having known each other long before Steed wandered off into the Ministry, and Emma got married, and reunited some time later, which was the idea Clemens came up with, so that the characters would have a chance to gradually grow into who we know them to be, only the actors would have the chance to add their own takes on the way. It's the best pitch I've seen for a reimaging so far.
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Post by TheDeeMan »

The Avengers movie premise of the very first teaming of Steed/Emma and the whole getting to know you phase of the relationship was a great idea. It just sucked in the doing of it. It was obvious that it was a square peg/round hole relationship from the start. But what was also obvious was that they liked eachother or at least respected eachother as well. Put in different hands, that would have been a good starting place for an Avengers movie franchise. Seeing them grow into the partnership that we know and love. Sort of like the new Bond franchise is doing with Bond just getting his double O status in Casino Royale and still learning how to be the Bond of legend. Mistakes and all.

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What about Gemma Arterton as a possible Mrs Peel?
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Looks aside, she doesn't really have a commanding presence. I mean, do you even remember her in the last Bond flick?

I think someone mentioned Saffron Burrows as Emma? She's on Law and Order: Criminal Intent over here in the U.S. now and she's just kind of...I don't know...a downer.

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I saw Gemma interviewed on The Jonathan Ross Show and I wasn't being entirely serious. She does seem to be making both escapist type (Clash Of The Titans, Prince Of Persia) movies as well as serious ones like Alice Creed, and I thought there was a very slight resemblance - brown eyes, auburn hair.

I don't really want The Avengers to be remade at all.

We must remember that until an actor or actress is screentested for a particular role it's hard to visualise how they'd be. I'm not sure I would have cast Diana Rigg for the part based on her performance in The Sentimental Agent or Joanna Lumley based on her Coronation Street appearance.
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