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Posted: Mon Jun 27, 2011 6:18 pm
by darren
Don't want to make this a thread about Ms. Rigg but someone on the Facebook page for the event (member here..?) said that they spoke to Diana on Saturday night after her performance in whatever it is and she said she would have happily made a video if she'd been asked but she says she wasn't - again I think her agent probably stood in the way on this, whatever other lines of miscommunication there were.


Enjoyed going through the pictures (especially thrilled to see John Carson, John Hough, Robert Fuest - who you don't normally see these days).

I really love the set decoration around the venue like the chess set, bus, the coloured ladders and the cat silhouettes - quality!

Anyone got any comments about the live commentaries?

Was Terrance Dicks there?

Posted: Mon Jun 27, 2011 9:28 pm
by MikeR
The overall running of The Avengers 50 Anniversary Celebration, which took place at the University of Chichester this weekend was without doubt one the finest examples of how to organise and stage an event such as this, that I have ever seen.

The guest list was a once in a lifetime collection of Honor Blackman, Linda Thorson, Brian Clemens, Leonard White, Julie Stevens, Ray Austin, Cyd Child, Anneke Wills, Jeremy Burnham, Terrence Dicks, Howard Blake, Robert Fuest, Richard Bates, John Hough, Richard Harris, John Carson, Carol Cleveland… Not to mention the unexpected arrival of both Alexandra Bastedo and Brian Tesler. Recorded messages came from none other then Patrick MacNee and Joanna Lumley and in addition to all this there were also recorded interviews with Laurie Johnson, Roger Marshall, Gerry O’Hara and Don Leaver. Then add to this mix the special host Paul O’Grady and you had something very special.

When you take into account all this, plus the University Big Band and Pops Orchestra concert tribute to Laurie Johnson on Friday evening, the videotech service, the extremely impressive memorabilia exhibition and The Hellfire Club on Saturday night, then the team of Jaz Wiseman, Dr Adam Locks, Michael Holley, Henry Holland and everyone who assisted with the project deserve all the praise they get.

Posted: Mon Jun 27, 2011 9:42 pm
by hatpeg
Just a quick thanks to everyone who put this event together, a lot of hard work had been put in to make it such a success.
I only attended on the Sunday, but really enjoyed it.
Linda was really enthusiastic, worked hard and was very friendly.

The interviews were good, especially Ray Austin, and I particulaly enjoyed the session on the the casting of the New Avengers, with the potential actors to fill the roles of Purdy and Gambit. taken from a list supplied by Brian Clemens.
There were a few surprises.
It was great to talk to John Hough, and Cyd Child - both had lots of interesting info.
Also Jeremy Burnham, although we talked more about his Hammer House story The Thirteenth Reunion, which starred Ben Fogel's mum, Julia Foster.
Well done to everyone involved.

Posted: Tue Jun 28, 2011 12:21 am
by JohnSteedFr
I'll post my reaction later. I really enjoyed it. I met most of the cast and crew, and will keep an intense memory of my meeting with Linda Thorson. :D
So sad I'm not in England anymore. Back to reality... work:(
I won their quiz last Friday, which astonished me. Frankly, I thought someone else would get the cups and official tee-shirt. Speaking of it now, i'm wearing it at this moment and cannot stop remembering about all the great fans I met ! (Sue and Barry, you rock !!!!) :D

Posted: Tue Jun 28, 2011 12:34 am
by newdoberman
I would also like to thank the organizers. Amazing weekend with a huge amount of effort clearly gone into it. Playful, fun, positive, informal.

The only thing I would question would be Gareth Hunts omission from the Obituary Reel. Only saw it on the Sunday, but assume it was the same both days. Slightly ungracious but otherwise a fantastic weekend.

Posted: Tue Jun 28, 2011 8:10 pm
by Halfhide
Wow what a weekend! A HUGE thank you to the organisers - it must have been a mammoth task making the whole event run smoothly - but boy they certainly managed it! :lol: From the concert on Friday to the emotional closing ceremony on Sunday (and then up to the Student Union bar for a final few beers!) the whole event was truly unforgettable. And how nice to meet such a lot of lovely people who shared my enthusiasm for The Avengers. Nice to see you all - and let's do it again soon! :D

Posted: Tue Jun 28, 2011 8:19 pm
by MikeR
I know a number of people have suggested to the organisers that Chichester University is an ideal venue for this sort of thing and that perhaps they should consider a similar event in the future.

Posted: Wed Jun 29, 2011 11:07 am
by Big Bear
It was amazing, I drove home after the event in the glorious sunny Chichester countryside with a big smile on my face. Never thought I would get to go to an Avengers event and never expected it to be so entertaining and on a scale like that.

As a designer myself I loved how slick it looked, Jaz was that you and the media department that produced those hanging banners, brochure and posters? As I pulled into the car park and saw those massive character banners I knew it was going to be a quality event. If anyone doubted the ticket price a few months ago you certainly didn't when you walked in. It reminded me of those great James Bond Fan Club events in the 90's at Pinewood studios.

We were spoilt for choice on what to attend and I heard many fans saying im not sure what to go to next, Main Room, Craft Stage, Signings or Screening Room, not that i'm moaning! Everybody worked so hard and it really paid off, the team of Dr Adam Locks, Michael Holley, Henry Holland, Dick Fiddy and Jaz Wiseman were brilliant and it was so good to hear a panel that knew the history of the show inside out, asking intelligent questions and letting the guests speak. I hope everyone involved had a big drink after the event.

I loved the recollections from Ray Austin, Cyd Child and John Hough amongst others. The intro by Patrick was touching and he looks in good health. Paul O'Grady and Linda Thorson could have their own show they have so much enthusiasm and bags of energy.

Nice touch having Joanna Lumley have the final words, she has such warm memories of the cast and show.

I heard that there isn't going to be a DVD produced but the long term goal is to produce an online archive preserving the history of the show, I hope so, I for one can't wait.

Posted: Wed Jun 29, 2011 11:15 am
by servalan66
It's a real shame, if there isn't going to be a dvd produced, as there are many, including myself, who couldn't attend the event, who would love to see the guests speak etc. unless of course payments to artistes etc would cause a logistical nightmare???

Posted: Wed Jun 29, 2011 3:09 pm
by Sam
servalan66 wrote:It's a real shame, if there isn't going to be a dvd produced, as there are many, including myself, who couldn't attend the event, who would love to see the guests speak etc. unless of course payments to artistes etc would cause a logistical nightmare???
I would definitely buy one.