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Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2010 4:13 am
by Cariheart
Being that just before I turn in for the night is "me time", that's when I take advantage and watch an episode- in bed of course, sometimes with a small bowl of chips (crisps) or popcorn. Another routine is to watch Too Many Christmas Trees during that holiday. At the moment I'm watching my new set of Gale DVDs but what I usually do with those is to view them first thing weekend mornings on my laptop with a cup of coffee.

Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2010 4:49 pm
by mousemeat
Cariheart wrote:Being that just before I turn in for the night is "me time", that's when I take advantage and watch an episode- in bed of course, sometimes with a small bowl of chips (crisps) or popcorn. Another routine is to watch Too Many Christmas Trees during that holiday. At the moment I'm watching my new set of Gale DVDs but what I usually do with those is to view them first thing weekend mornings on my laptop with a cup of coffee.

Castle Le'death and Brimstone, around halloween..trees xmas time...

Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2010 4:54 pm
by Dan
I usually watch 1 episode per week. I go through all the Mrs. Peel episodes more or less in chronological order, and then try to wade though some of the Cathy Gale or Tara King episodes before losing interest and starting the Mrs. Peel series all over again. No disrespect to the Gale/King/TNA fans but those episodes rarely hold my interest.
Another tradition was watching them with my kids. They've all outgrown the Avengers now (the cretins) but each one of them around the age of 6 or 7 went through a phase where they were fascinated by the adventures of Steed and Mrs. Peel, especially the ones in color. They did like Too Many Christmas Trees and The Cybernauts from the b & w era because those ones scared the heck out of them.

Posted: Mon Aug 09, 2010 2:25 pm
by Timeless A-Peel
The last Avengers watching tradition I had was weekdays at 10, which was when Bravo! would screen TNA when I saw it for the first time the summer of 2001. Before that it would have been Saturday afternoons, because Access showed the Peel colours (and Taras, and much later season 4) then, when I first discovered the series. Since about 2002 or so, there haven't been any Avengers episodes broadcast on TV here, so any semblance of a regular time slot for viewing went out the window a long time ago. I go through phases--sometimes I watch them at lunch or in the afternoon, other times in the evening. The last few years I haven't been watching much period, as I sort of exhausted some of the eras and I've been expanding my repertoire of other series instead. As a result, the Avengers is sort of my fallback when I'm too tired to devote the mental energy to following a new series' storyline, so I'll often go watch one in the evening that's a favourite, usually an Emma or TNA. As a consequence, episodes that I'm not too fond of don't get watched much, but when they do, they're fresher. At the moment my goal is a production order viewing, which is being helped along by the new sets. :D

Posted: Fri Aug 20, 2010 3:25 pm
by waldotyson
I usually watch one episode late in the evening after the kids are in bed. I have a cup of soup and some crackers whilst I enjoy the episode. It's hard to watch more than one at a time because it doesn't let it "soak in" as well.

Posted: Fri Aug 20, 2010 11:38 pm
by Sam
I watch one whenever I feel like it. No real "routine" or "tradition" for me, except I do try to catch "Too Many Christmas Trees" sometime before the actual holiday.

Posted: Sun Aug 22, 2010 8:03 pm
by Cybernowt
Since receiving the series 4 box set I've been watching my way through them. I've been managing to find time for about an ep every three days.

I did begin watching them with the wife, but she's not big on b+w tv.. and I found she'd nodded off 10 mins from the end with three eps in a row..

So now I just watch by myself!

Posted: Sat Aug 27, 2011 4:57 pm
by Rhonda
Our tradition is now:
If it is Saturday Night, it's The Avengers
I'll pick one!

Posted: Sat Aug 27, 2011 8:38 pm
by Mona
I do AOL on-line chat very frequently on Sunday nights with another female Avengers fan who also loves Steed, and oftentimes if we are not making up some original story snippet, we will watch an episode together on our computers while chatting. It's great fun to comment about the show with someone else who "gets" it, and who enjoys the aspects of the show I do. Someone who wishes to pause or rewind at the exact same areas and drools simultaneously....We watch episodes from all the seasons.



Posted: Sun Aug 28, 2011 8:54 pm
by JohnSteedFr
That is so cool, Mona. :D

I'm sad websites like no longer uploads the episodes. There are forums for each show, with comments by the viewers. :)