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Posted: Fri Jul 31, 2009 11:43 am
by Captain Crusoe
I hadn't read R. L. Wilson's The Mind of a Heart before, but I did last night and I thought it was very good. Thank you for recommending it. I haven't read anyone else except Margaret Warren who goes so deep into the characters' thoughts and feelings. I also liked the strange and ingenious plot.

I think Margaret Warren's Rough Magic is the best fanfic I've read. It captures the spirit, humour and surrealism of the show very well. It surpasses the original in that, as Brian Clemens said, they were cardboard characters. She breathes life into Emma Peel's character and makes her like a real person. It's amazing.

I loved the early part of The Quick and the Dead, but I thought the latter part was far too sentimental.

I read quite a bit of a fanfic a couple of years ago. I'd read a couple of Mia McCroskey's early stories, but I didn't like them. I read the first of her reunion stories a few days ago and it's a lot better, but I still didn't like it much because of the lack of humour or surrealism.

I love Sula Bassana's short stories. I find them hilarious. The FOLLI in Avengerland website they were on is no longer there, but they can still be found courtesy of the Internet Archive Wayback Machine, which is good for finding stories that have disappeared Sula Bassana's stories are at: ... a_bassana/. The most popular one is 'Just Desserts', but I think they're all very good.

I also adore BitShifter's stories. Like Sula Bassana's, they may not be to your taste because they're not love stories, but I really enjoy them because I think they have the spirit, humour and surrealism of the original series.

Posted: Fri Aug 28, 2009 2:39 am
by ikbtops
There is an app for iPhone called "speak it".The British Male accent sounds remarkably like Patrick MacNee at times. Just type in the text and he says it. It's fun to make him say off colour things about his co-stars...
"Peter Cushing? a Right Tosser!" etc.

Posted: Wed May 12, 2010 2:05 pm
by Mrs. Peel
I have read this two pages about the fan fictions, but I don't know where I can find good storys about emma/steed with an happy end :D
there are so many links and it's difficult for me to read/understand everything. ;-)

Posted: Sun Jun 20, 2010 4:19 pm
by Mona
Hello, Miska_cz,

I've written a few fanfics from The Avengers, and they got pretty good reviews. I have a few from the Steed/Emma era. If you wish me to send them to you--although I realize this was written over a year ago (I'm still catching up on the Forum)--please email me privately.


Posted: Sun Apr 10, 2011 9:34 pm
by ischtar
I found a new story with Steed and Emma on livejournal:

Posted: Thu Apr 14, 2011 12:15 pm
by Cariheart
ischtar wrote:I found a new story with Steed and Emma on livejournal:
Thanks Ischtar..I will take a looksy! :D

Posted: Thu Apr 14, 2011 1:48 pm
by BitShifter
Cariheart wrote:
ischtar wrote:I found a new story with Steed and Emma on livejournal:
Thanks Ischtar..I will take a looksy! :D
It's not really a full-blown fanfic so much as a quickie joke; the writer is part of a fanfic group that practices with challenge assignments from a random word generator. The random word chosen was "genuphobia", an "acute fear of knees or kneeling brought on by a past traumatic event." Interesting, or should I say amusing, that when assigned to write about "fear of knees", the first fictional character that pops into the author's head is Emma Peel of the Avengers and her "leather-clad knee", to quote the author.

And no, it's not me writing doubly pseudonymously... 8) :lol:

Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2011 6:28 pm
by Cariheart
BitShifter wrote:
Cariheart wrote:
ischtar wrote:I found a new story with Steed and Emma on livejournal:
Thanks Ischtar..I will take a looksy! :D
It's not really a full-blown fanfic so much as a quickie joke; the writer is part of a fanfic group that practices with challenge assignments from a random word generator. The random word chosen was "genuphobia", an "acute fear of knees or kneeling brought on by a past traumatic event." Interesting, or should I say amusing, that when assigned to write about "fear of knees", the first fictional character that pops into the author's head is Emma Peel of the Avengers and her "leather-clad knee", to quote the author.

And no, it's not me writing doubly pseudonymously... 8) :lol:
Speaking of writing...any plans for future stories, BitShifter? :D

Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2011 9:46 pm
by BitShifter
Cariheart wrote: Speaking of writing...any plans for future stories, BitShifter? :D
I had 7 half-finished fanfics at the beginning of 2009 in my "odds and ends" folder when I got the opportunity to do some technical commercial artwork for two years (not the usual photoshop and web design I do for fun, but actual paint and india ink on actual canvas). Now the paint has finally worn off my fingernails and I'm back to work finishing the next story in the series, number 16. It's currently at 15K words, and will probably need another 8-10K, all glue and polish. It's 8 chapters plus an afterstory chapter. I predict it will be highly disliked by all readers, but then I've predicted that about every story I've written, and yet some of them have actually been popular, so what do I know.

It'll be finished soon, unless another interruption pops up its head. Of course, I had planned to finish it last spring, but I kind of got caught up in the art...

I should probably point out that I'm neither a writer nor an artist by trade, so these are all "bucket list" activities for me. I only wish I had more time for them!

Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2011 3:03 am
by Cariheart
BitShifter wrote:
Cariheart wrote: Speaking of writing...any plans for future stories, BitShifter? :D
I had 7 half-finished fanfics at the beginning of 2009 in my "odds and ends" folder when I got the opportunity to do some technical commercial artwork for two years (not the usual photoshop and web design I do for fun, but actual paint and india ink on actual canvas). Now the paint has finally worn off my fingernails and I'm back to work finishing the next story in the series, number 16. It's currently at 15K words, and will probably need another 8-10K, all glue and polish. It's 8 chapters plus an afterstory chapter. I predict it will be highly disliked by all readers, but then I've predicted that about every story I've written, and yet some of them have actually been popular, so what do I know.

It'll be finished soon, unless another interruption pops up its head. Of course, I had planned to finish it last spring, but I kind of got caught up in the art...

I should probably point out that I'm neither a writer nor an artist by trade, so these are all "bucket list" activities for me. I only wish I had more time for them!
Oh, I'm a huge fan of your Steed/Emma stories...and the Ladja!