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Posted: Tue Jun 03, 2014 9:04 pm
by Rodders
Into 'flaming June' and am looking to gather in more episodes this month if at all possible.

Posted: Tue Jun 03, 2014 9:21 pm
by Lhbizness
Rodders wrote:Into 'flaming June' and am looking to gather in more episodes this month if at all possible.
You'll get my draft of the foreword shortly. I've written the draft, but I need to edit it.

Posted: Wed Jun 04, 2014 12:24 am
by mousemeat
Rodders wrote:As Sam pointed out in his Murder Market chapter, the Wedding and Funeral Marches are disturbingly similar. My father has the Groom humming the Wedding March while killing people. The show liked to combine the two.
was that by choice ? budget ? or juSt black Humour ?

Posted: Thu Jun 05, 2014 10:32 pm
by Rodders
black humour and the re-use of the same sets I guess!

Posted: Fri Jun 06, 2014 11:14 pm
by Rodders
Wonderful foreword just in from Lauren. Many thanks to those who have been pinging chapters in recently. It makes my job in August far easier. Great to have the same crew on board as in Bright Horizons, with one or two new faces. Will be good to have Frankymole, Darren, Jaz and Denis back for subsequent volumes.

Posted: Sat Jun 07, 2014 1:31 pm
by Rodders
One piece of feedback I've had from lots of buyers of Bright Horizons is whether each volume could have a glossary of quotations in the back as some contributors tend not to use them in their essays. I'm happy to supply these but what do people think? Something like this for each episode, placed at the back of the book:


Steed: Morning Sunrise. A fully fledged bloom of delicate russet tints in a haunting bouquet for you, Mrs. Peel.
Emma: I sense a bribe.
Steed: Nonsense. I want you to get the first fruits of my labour.
Emma: Hm. What nasty situation have you got in store for me this time, hm? You have your own built-in early warning system, you know. A certain look in the eye!

Steed: Trees are our natural heritage. Now indiscriminate felling, mutilation, is as criminal as an act of violence.

Sir Lyle: Do you drink brandy, Mr. Steed?
Steed: If you mean am I accustomed to drinking brandy, Sir Lyle, the answer is yes. If you mean would I like one now, the answer is also yes.
Sir Lyle: Yes, man differs little from plant life. Liquid nutriment is vitally essential.
Steed: I do so agree.
Sir Lyle: Difficult to survive without it.
Steed: And relatively unnecessary.

Sir Lyle: (re. plants) For all we know they…they feel, perhaps even think.

Steed: (re. prickly plant) Imagine sitting on that?! If my car had a roof, I’d have gone through it!
Emma: You’d have gone further than that. These barbs are deadly.

Dr. Sheldon: This thing has an embryonic brain. Oh what a disaster that it was damaged. Imagine a plant that could think…think!

Steed: Brains are marketable.

Sheldon: This is the seed of a climbing plant, a bean stalk…the average bean’s about half an inch long and grows say four or five feet high. Proportionately this would grow to well say two hundred times higher than the Empire State building.
Steed: Charming prospect!
Sheldon: And think of the tendrils.
Emma: I’d rather not!
Sheldon: Reaching out for miles. If it were allowed to seed, it would cover the Earth in a matter of weeks.
Steed: Well, there’d be no shortage of beans.

Sheldon: This was a man-eating plant. If it had germinated, it would have required just as much as we require green vegetables.

Emma: The plant’s only man-eating.

Steed: I’m a herbicidal maniac!

Posted: Sun Jun 08, 2014 12:08 pm
by Timeless A-Peel
Do you mean quotations that are referenced with points in the actual essay, or just a general list of quotations of interest?

Posted: Sun Jun 08, 2014 3:06 pm
by Rodders
just a general list of interesting quotes, all at the back of the book so not disrupting the flow of it

Posted: Sun Jun 08, 2014 9:33 pm
by Timeless A-Peel
Rodders wrote:just a general list of interesting quotes, all at the back of the book so not disrupting the flow of it
Sure, if people are asking for it, then it might be worth pursuing.

Posted: Mon Jun 09, 2014 8:50 pm
by dissolute
I'd be up for that, I always put quotes in my essays as I find the dialogue such an important part of the show.