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Posted: Sun May 24, 2009 11:03 am
by Dandy Forsdyke
I've always thought Diana Rigg was too wide-hipped to have a boyish figure.

Posted: Sun May 24, 2009 11:04 am
by kim
I'd be surprised if I hadn't already read that same comment from that same poster a dozen other times.

To be honest, I find this topic unnecessary and somewhat insulting to the female leads of the show. They were all beautiful and ranking them like pieces of meat doesn't really seem fair. But this topic has been civilised and pleasent thus far, so what do I know?
Last night at the hospital where he was being treated, ShaggE and I watched in horror and pain as a group of family members were led one by one to say good bye to their son/brother/grandson who had been killed in a high speed motorcyle accident just an hour before.

As long as I live, I will never be able to put the sight of the mother's face out of my mind. My son was in pain, a lot of pain and it hurt me to see it even as I joked with him about it. But this mother will never have the opportunity again to laugh and joke with her son.

I missed the opportunity to hold her, comfort her, to say something, anything to ease her pain just a little. But I refuse, even though I can barely see because of the tears in my eyes, to let this opportunity pass by to remind people to put things into perspective.

Little arguments, peoples ideas that don't agree with yours, etc., mean absolutely nothing in the greater scheme of things.

Hold on tight to those you love. I've lost my brother and father over the years and miss them greatly, but unlike this woman and so many other people in the world, I've never had a loved one ripped from me and pray to God I never will.

Posted: Sun May 24, 2009 11:07 am
by DiVicenzo
Dandy Forsdyke wrote:I've always thought Diana Rigg was too wide-hipped to have a boyish figure.
That's right - she has never looked like any boy I kew/ know and I went to an all-boy's school :lol:

Posted: Sun May 24, 2009 11:11 am
by DiVicenzo
kim wrote:
I'd be surprised if I hadn't already read that same comment from that same poster a dozen other times.

To be honest, I find this topic unnecessary and somewhat insulting to the female leads of the show. They were all beautiful and ranking them like pieces of meat doesn't really seem fair. But this topic has been civilised and pleasent thus far, so what do I know?
Last night at the hospital where he was being treated, ShaggE and I watched in horror and pain as a group of family members were led one by one to say good bye to their son/brother/grandson who had been killed in a high speed motorcyle accident just an hour before.

As long as I live, I will never be able to put the sight of the mother's face out of my mind. My son was in pain, a lot of pain and it hurt me to see it even as I joked with him about it. But this mother will never have the opportunity again to laugh and joke with her son.

I missed the opportunity to hold her, comfort her, to say something, anything to ease her pain just a little. But I refuse, even though I can barely see because of the tears in my eyes, to let this opportunity pass by to remind people to put things into perspective.

Little arguments, peoples ideas that don't agree with yours, etc., mean absolutely nothing in the greater scheme of things.

Hold on tight to those you love. I've lost my brother and father over the years and miss them greatly, but unlike this woman and so many other people in the world, I've never had a loved one ripped from me and pray to God I never will.
That *is* awful Kim just awful!

On a lighter note - do you ever go to bed??? Or do you just get up extremely early??? You would have been up early this morning here, I can tell you! - there was some mad person riding his mini-motor-bike up and down from about 3am to about 5am - not even on the road but on the path on the green outside our flats! :shock:

Posted: Sun May 24, 2009 11:27 am
by kim
That *is* awful Kim just awful!

On a lighter note - do you ever go to bed??? Or do you just get up extremely early??? You would have been up early this morning here, I can tell you! - there was some mad person riding his mini-motor-bike up and down from about 3am to about 5am - not even on the road but on the path on the green outside our flats!
It was tragic and it still makes me cry thinking about it which is why I didn't sleep well last night and am up so early this morning.

As you say, on the lighter side, we have a couple of people like your *friend* who think that the whole world should be up and watching them ride their bikes, listen to their cars rev up, or enjoy their music blaring at 3 a.m. from their car speakers. It doesn't happen often fortunately, but when it does....ARRRGGGHHHH.....

Posted: Mon May 25, 2009 7:30 am
by Frankymole
DiVicenzo wrote:
Dandy Forsdyke wrote:I've always thought Diana Rigg was too wide-hipped to have a boyish figure.
That's right - she has never looked like any boy I kew/ know and I went to an all-boy's school :lol:
Not Diana Rigg - Emma Peel.

She certainly looked like a man in most of the fight scenes in Season 4. Mainly because she was a man!

And Cyd Child moaned about how skinny she was - note that her fashions were modelled by sticky anorexic-looking Twiggy (Joanna was famously skinny but then she'd eaten those "expanding biscuits" and cotton wool as a model in the 60s)! Plus Linda Thorson reckoned the production team couldn't cope with womanly curves when she came along.

Twiggy was a nightmare look as Emma (much as Uma Thurman was) - compared to them, boyish/manly Emma wasn't too bad, but not shaped like a fully-grown woman. (Especially when she was a man.) IMO!

Posted: Mon May 25, 2009 8:05 am
by Frankymole
kim wrote: Hold on tight to those you love. I've lost my brother and father over the years and miss them greatly, but unlike this woman and so many other people in the world, I've never had a loved one ripped from me and pray to God I never will.
I can't remember who said it, but it's stuck with me that there is nothing more sad than outliving one's own children.

Posted: Mon May 25, 2009 9:49 am
by Avengerholic
DiVicenzo wrote:On a lighter note - do you ever go to bed??? Or do you just get up extremely early??? You would have been up early this morning here, I can tell you! - there was some mad person riding his mini-motor-bike up and down from about 3am to about 5am - not even on the road but on the path on the green outside our flats! :shock:
I wish something like that would happen here ! I can walk the dog at 6am, 10am, 2pm, 8pm, 11pm ...... and never even pass another person, let alone hear one ! This place is like flippin Avengerland ! You just get the distance sound of a church bell or the glimpse of an old Mini estate driving off in the distance :roll: Looking out my lounge window I just see a deserted country street most of the time with a lonely old red pillar box which is emptied a couple of times a day by this clapped out old post office van ! if you're quick and lucky you can even get to say good morning to the driver :( I suppose the grass always looks greener, we should be careful what we wish for.

Posted: Mon May 25, 2009 10:41 am
by kim
I can't remember who said it, but it's stuck with me that there is nothing more sad than outliving one's own children.
Yes. I know I'd have to be put away if anything ever happened to ShaggE and I know how difficult it's been for my mother since my brother passed away.

We did find out that the young man who died lived just a few streets down from us and was just 24.

Posted: Mon May 25, 2009 10:53 am
by DiVicenzo
Avengerholic wrote:
DiVicenzo wrote:On a lighter note - do you ever go to bed??? Or do you just get up extremely early??? You would have been up early this morning here, I can tell you! - there was some mad person riding his mini-motor-bike up and down from about 3am to about 5am - not even on the road but on the path on the green outside our flats! :shock:
I wish something like that would happen here ! I can walk the dog at 6am, 10am, 2pm, 8pm, 11pm ...... and never even pass another person, let alone hear one ! This place is like flippin Avengerland ! You just get the distance sound of a church bell or the glimpse of an old Mini estate driving off in the distance :roll: Looking out my lounge window I just see a deserted country street most of the time with a lonely old red pillar box which is emptied a couple of times a day by this clapped out old post office van ! if you're quick and lucky you can even get to say good morning to the driver :( I suppose the grass always looks greener, we should be careful what we wish for.
Yes, the grass is always greener - i consider you the lucky one! :D