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Post by Timeless A-Peel »

VA_Avenger wrote:The Grandeur That Was Rome: I guess I'm having a bad run with the third season. "Death of a Batman,"Second Sight," "The Medicine Men," now this one.

The plot idea was rather interesting - a megalomaniac obsessed with Rome - but the development was very poorly done. Steed was held with a sword at his neck, then a few minutes later, he shows up with the sword – no worse for the wear. He and Cathy then take on the whole room of miscreants with Steed’s captured sword and Cathy’s bare hands. The ending also . . . well . . . it wasn’t. Caesar is killed in a pathetic reenactment of the death scene in Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar, but the other villains are not dealt with. Did they forget to read the last page – or did they run out of time?

“Hail, Caesar! Hail Caesar! Hail Caesar!,” and “One Empire!, One People!, One Caesar!” Very Hitler-esque. I’ve noticed that these semi-obscure Nazi references occur rather frequently. I guess it’s expected, considering that the 60s were not far removed from that era.

Bad things: Honor’s hat. Clumsy camera operators. Ill-prepared supporting actors. Drum solos during the fights. Over used. Boring

Good things: Cathy to Steed in a toga: “Mind your dress! Cathy’s leathers.

This one only receives one bowler.

And, Lord, deliver me from Dankworth's trumpet. Please! I'm begging you.


By the way, what were the Latin phrases that Cathy and Steed exchanged at the end?
This was my very first Cathy. You can see why I had very low hopes for the rest of the episodes. The Gale era's at the bottom of my list, but I don't deny there are some real gems in there. This one's not among them, though.
Last Watched: Who Was That Man I Saw You With?


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Post by Philippa »

Silent Dust.
Very nice episode, some lovely images of the countryside. Not too spectacular plot-wise, but definitely enjoyable.
And knowing that Diana had never sat on a horse before, but rode a horse without telling anyone about this, made it extra fun to watch.
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Post by Timeless A-Peel »

Philippa wrote:Silent Dust.
Very nice episode, some lovely images of the countryside. Not too spectacular plot-wise, but definitely enjoyable.
And knowing that Diana had never sat on a horse before, but rode a horse without telling anyone about this, made it extra fun to watch.
She went and had one lesson, apparently. Patrick of course was already terribly good at it after his childhood, but she did a pretty good job herself.

Incidentally, while Joanna could ride, Gareth couldn't, so all those scenes in Target were a first for him, too!
Last Watched: Who Was That Man I Saw You With?


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Post by Dandy Forsdyke »

Timeless A-Peel wrote: She went and had one lesson, apparently. Patrick of course was already terribly good at it after his childhood, but she did a pretty good job herself.
Did I read in Avengers And Me that Diana was white when she dismounted?
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Post by Timeless A-Peel »

Dandy Forsdyke wrote:
Timeless A-Peel wrote: She went and had one lesson, apparently. Patrick of course was already terribly good at it after his childhood, but she did a pretty good job herself.
Did I read in Avengers And Me that Diana was white when she dismounted?
I don't think so. From what I remember, everyone was quite surprised when she casually mentioned she couldn't ride. Then someone asked how she'd managed, and she answered with aforementioned "I went and hada lesson."
Last Watched: Who Was That Man I Saw You With?


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Post by Philippa »

Yeah I read that too. But still, after only 1 lesson, she didn't do bad at all.
I'm an experienced rider, I've been riding for 16 years, so I can see that she couldn't really ride, compared to the others, but she didn't do a bad job!
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Post by VA_Avenger »

"Immortal Clay" and "Box of Tricks"

What a double header! Amateur plots, bad acting . . . and to top it off . . . Venus in Box of Tricks. I fast-forwarded through her songs, and it still didn't help. Her voice is like a barking chihuahua in this episode. All I hear is "yip, yip, yip." I fell asleep three times trying to finish it.

Both of these episodes had the feel of "Well, we're out of time . . . what can we slap together for tonight."

"Immortal Clay" did have a prescient view of the value of ceramics, though. Tiles on the space shuttle came to mind.

1/2 Bowler, and it's a good thing there weren't many of these.
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<b>- Jack</b></i>
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Post by Dandy Forsdyke »

Timeless A-Peel wrote:
Dandy Forsdyke wrote:
Timeless A-Peel wrote: She went and had one lesson, apparently. Patrick of course was already terribly good at it after his childhood, but she did a pretty good job herself.
Did I read in Avengers And Me that Diana was white when she dismounted?
I don't think so. From what I remember, everyone was quite surprised when she casually mentioned she couldn't ride. Then someone asked how she'd managed, and she answered with aforementioned "I went and hada lesson."
Ah okay, it's just how I interpreted it, I think. It reads, "... When she dismounted after the scenes were done, she looked a little drawn, a little pale, a little tense - but she'd done it!"
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Post by Timeless A-Peel »

Dandy Forsdyke wrote:
Timeless A-Peel wrote:
Dandy Forsdyke wrote: Did I read in Avengers And Me that Diana was white when she dismounted?
I don't think so. From what I remember, everyone was quite surprised when she casually mentioned she couldn't ride. Then someone asked how she'd managed, and she answered with aforementioned "I went and hada lesson."
Ah okay, it's just how I interpreted it, I think. It reads, "... When she dismounted after the scenes were done, she looked a little drawn, a little pale, a little tense - but she'd done it!"
Poor Diana. It was a bit ignorant of them to just assume she knew how to ride, really (Joanna at least they gave time to learn these things--half an hour at lunch. So very reasonable :roll: ). I think she did a pretty good job under the circumstances. Patrick's always a joy to watch in any episode with horses because he's so clearly at ease with them. One of the few bright points of Silent Dust.
Last Watched: Who Was That Man I Saw You With?


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Post by The Gaslight Ghoul »

It seems that BBC4 have stopped screening The New Avengers.

Medium Rare was on last week but next week it's not on at all.

Did anyone see this week's screening, if so did the continuity announcer mention anything about the series taking a break, or have they just pulled it indefinitely?
You check the files, I'll check my memories.
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