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Posted: Wed May 22, 2013 11:11 am
by Speed Six
jaz wrote:
mariocki wrote:There are odd bits here and there on YouTube and Vimeo including this:
The Strange Case of The Missing Co-Organiser

(The one that got 95% of the guests, designed the whole look of the event, provided mountains of research material for everyone to use and came up with a lot of the concepts/ideas - to say he's angry is a HUGE understatement!)

Not sure I quite understand the comment Jaz - is it because you don't appear in any of the clips ? Or is it some other reason ? I spotted Henry Holland and Marcus Hearn, but I didn't get to the event, so can't tell if there would have been footage of you doing interviews for example.

It's a shame if this is all we'll ever see of the film they produced, as it did look like a fantastic weekend. Have been trying to identify as many of the guests as I can, but some are a bit tricky. Anyone able to provide screen caps with credits ?

Posted: Wed May 22, 2013 11:56 am
by Frankymole

Brian Clemens is the second from left (you probably got that one!), writer Terrance Dicks is next along, and the furthest right is writer Richard Harris (conveniently wearing a name badge!).

Not sure who the other is - Roger Marshall?

Posted: Wed May 22, 2013 2:25 pm
by Speed Six
Yes - I spotted Brian and Terrence, but not sure about the other two. Neither of them is Roger, who I don't believe was there at the weekend, but came to a later one day event. Not sure if he'd have been seen on the same sofa as Brian !

Some of the obvious ones I did see were Linda (so different these days !), Honor (still not changed much at all) Ray Austin, John Hough, Julie Stevens and (spot the odd one out) Alexandra Bastedo.

Posted: Wed May 22, 2013 3:49 pm
by Timeless A-Peel
Speed Six wrote:Yes - I spotted Brian and Terrence, but not sure about the other two. Neither of them is Roger, who I don't believe was there at the weekend, but came to a later one day event. Not sure if he'd have been seen on the same sofa as Brian !

Some of the obvious ones I did see were Linda (so different these days !), Honor (still not changed much at all) Ray Austin, John Hough, Julie Stevens and (spot the odd one out) Alexandra Bastedo.
Alexandra Bastedo was at the 50th? I had no idea. Strange, as you say, since she was never on the Avengers. Anybody hear what she had to say, presumably about The Champions?

Posted: Wed May 22, 2013 4:04 pm
by anti-clockwise
Thank you so much for identifying the stars behind the Avengers Franky. Most interesting for those of us that never got to go to this inspiring event!

Posted: Wed May 22, 2013 8:45 pm
by peabody
mariocki wrote:There are odd bits here and there on YouTube and Vimeo including this:
Wow, I spotted myself three times in that video. Thanks for the link, mariocki.

Posted: Wed May 22, 2013 10:07 pm
by jaz
Frankymole wrote:Image

Brian Clemens is the second from left (you probably got that one!), writer Terrance Dicks is next along, and the furthest right is writer Richard Harris (conveniently wearing a name badge!).

Not sure who the other is - Roger Marshall?
Left to Right:
Richard Bates, Brian Clemens, Terence Dicks and Richard Harris.

Posted: Wed May 22, 2013 11:16 pm
by Frankymole
Thanks, Jaz!

Here are a few more mystery faces:




If anyone has any ideas, I'll post some more to puzzle you :)

Posted: Wed May 22, 2013 11:27 pm
by Frankymole
A few more:


Cyd Child is third from left (stunt arranger and performer).

First on the left (ignoring the obtruding boot) is original producer Leonard White.





I excluded guests I knew - TV historian Dick Fiddy, actress Anneke Wills, actress Carol Cleveland, and producer Leonard White who was wearing a prominent name badge in most shots (though he is on the sofa in the third pic above, on the left of shot); if we identify the unknown ones, I can put up pictures of these "obvious" ones if others don't know them!

Posted: Thu May 23, 2013 6:25 am
by jaz
Frankymole wrote:Thanks, Jaz!

Here are a few more mystery faces:




If anyone has any ideas, I'll post some more to puzzle you :)
From the top:
Ray Austin
John Carson
David Marshall
Alwyn Turner