Avengers USA release?

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Avengers USA release?

Post by MRotten »

I'm wondering if there is anything in the pipeline for the new sets to be released in the USA? I have no problem with buying the UK versions, but since all of the A&E DVDs are now out of print, something should be done about getting the series back in print in America.
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Post by ikbtops »

I think perhaps Alan is probably the one most "in the know" about this one.
I would probably expect a Blu Ray release of Season 4( b&w Rigg)in the States sometime next year to co-incide with the UK version in May. The other seasons, save the early video taped series' will hopefully follow August,October etc. 2010. The Optimum DVD releases and PAL DVDs in general, seem to look quite better than the A&E versions on DVD. Long story short, you won't see these released in the U.S. on DVD again. I got a copy of The Prisoner U.S. Blu Ray, and it looks Great! It appears they used the Network Transfers.
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Post by Lando »

Good to know about the Optimum sets versus the US ones. Is there any further information about US releases?
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Post by ikbtops »

So far it doesn't look to good. There is a placeholder of some sort on the Amazon.co.uk site for season 4 with a May 3rd date and no price. I've read on this forum and elsewhere that A&E no longer have the rights,but I have read online,some speculation that Carlton( who did the Saint U.S.release) might have picked them up. Blu Ray release dates can be unpredictable though- some get unexpectedly pushed back and some jump forward. At this point I wouldn't expect anything until much later this year in the U.S. and that might be being hopeful. :(
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Post by Allard »

This thread is being locked. There are two topics going on simultaneously about this subject. In it self that is not a problem, you are free to start new threads. But in this case it is more convenient for the users too have the discussion in one thread.

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