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The Avengers "Universe"

Posted: Mon Aug 15, 2011 6:46 pm
by paulpdjh
Not sure if this is in the right section as it's not really about a spin-off, but listening to the radio I heard the presenter mention that "this film is set in the same universe as The Avengers". Sadly, he was talking about Captain America and the forthcoming Marvel Avengers film, but it started me thinking about what might exist in the Steed Avengers universe. I don't mean cinema films or television programmes with an Avengers feel, but ones which either make a reference to events in The Avengers or vice versa.

An obvious one is Goldfinger (Mrs Gale working undercover with James Bond), which is alluded to in both Lobster Quadrille and Too Many Christmas Trees.

There might also be a reference to events in The Maltese Falcon in Legacy of Death. However, I've never actually watched the Maltese Falcon, so I'm not too sure.

Any other suggestions?

Posted: Mon Aug 15, 2011 8:18 pm
by Cybernowt
Interesting question.

With Dr Who, the 'official' comic strip had the 7th Dr meet Death's Head. Death's Head originally came from the Transformers 'universe'. Then he went on to appear with the Fantastic Four and other Marvel characters which puts the Doctor in the same universe as both Transformers and Marvel comics characters in one sense.

There was to be a cross over strip between the 7th Dr and Dr Strange but only one preview panel was ever produced.

The Avengers comic strip didnt really have chance to cross dimensions. But thinking about similar styled shows, you'd think that Adam Adamant would be in the same vein as Avengers.

Posted: Mon Aug 15, 2011 8:22 pm
by Dandy Forsdyke
Not quite sure what you mean. Gambit and Purdey discuss The Treasure of the Sierra Madre and John Houston in The Midas Touch. That sort of thing?

There's no actual continuity between The Avengers and other films and TV that I can think of. The mention of Goldfinger is a wink to a wise audience rather than anything of a confirmation of Cathy's fate after. Honor was very established as Pussy Galore; aviator and employee of Goldfinger in that film.

There is a reference to a 'Department S' but again more of an in-joke to a contemporary show than a possible connection.

Posted: Mon Aug 15, 2011 8:54 pm
by paulpdjh
Dandy Forsdyke wrote:Not quite sure what you mean. Gambit and Purdey discuss The Treasure of the Sierra Madre and John Houston in The Midas Touch. That sort of thing?

There's no actual continuity between The Avengers and other films and TV that I can think of. The mention of Goldfinger is a wink to a wise audience rather than anything of a confirmation of Cathy's fate after. Honor was very established as Pussy Galore; aviator and employee of Goldfinger in that film.

There is a reference to a 'Department S' but again more of an in-joke to a contemporary show than a possible connection.
I was thinking more of references to events in The Avengers and/or other films, etc, rather than direct references to films themselves as in The Midas Touch. For example, another on that has just sprung to mind is an episode of the TV series Spy Game when Patrick Macnee's character mentions Little Storping (from Murdersville).

I agree that any links are tenuous and more of an in-joke rather than a serious attempt at linking The Avengers with other shows/films, but it's fun trying to spot them!

Posted: Mon Aug 15, 2011 11:41 pm
by dissolute
Oh, I don't know - there are a lot of oblique references to Bond, they are clearly in the same universe. Wasn't Cathy was considered second-most dangerous behind "JB"?

Posted: Tue Aug 16, 2011 12:37 pm
by Timeless A-Peel
Dandy Forsdyke wrote:There is a reference to a 'Department S' but again more of an in-joke to a contemporary show than a possible connection.
Where's the Department S reference? I haven't watched the Tara era since I watched S, so I probably missed it.

Posted: Tue Aug 16, 2011 1:21 pm
by Dandy Forsdyke
Timeless, it's Noon Doomsday. Steed is recuperating at Department S with a broken leg.

I wonder if Annabelle Hurst was stirring his tea anti-clockwise? :wink:

Posted: Thu Aug 18, 2011 12:11 pm
by Timeless A-Peel
Dandy Forsdyke wrote:Timeless, it's Noon Doomsday. Steed is recuperating at Department S with a broken leg.

I wonder if Annabelle Hurst was stirring his tea anti-clockwise? :wink:
She was clearly a Tara clone, so you'd hope so. :lol:

Posted: Fri Aug 19, 2011 1:50 am
by dissolute
But, but, but... Noon Doomsday was produced before Department S was ever broadcast!

It was broadcast two weeks after the first-ever episode of Department S was, do you think they'd bother with an in-joke for a show that wasn't even known to the public at the time of filming?

Posted: Fri Aug 19, 2011 12:27 pm
by Timeless A-Peel
dissolute wrote:But, but, but... Noon Doomsday was produced before Department S was ever broadcast!

It was broadcast two weeks after the first-ever episode of Department S was, do you think they'd bother with an in-joke for a show that wasn't even known to the public at the time of filming?
Well, both series were shooting at Elstree at the same time (along with Randall and Hopkirk), so the two shows definitely would have been aware of each other pre-broadcast. If they knew the episode was going to run shortly after the Department S premiere, that would have made it the perfect in-joke to slip in, right when the series was in the press a lot for its premiere, and people would be likely to notice it. Or maybe it was just a bit of writer's whimsy on Terry Nation's part. Maybe he was writing scripts for both at the same time, and did it for his own amusement. Or maybe he just needed a name for the department and nicked it. There are loads of explanations.