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Steed and Mrs. Peel in new comic book series

Posted: Wed Jun 01, 2016 9:31 pm
by denis rigg
Very soon!!! DC and BOOM presents:

Digital First comic book miniseries Batman ’66 Meets Steed and Mrs. Peel.

Started on June 8th as 12 weekly installments, based on the famous 1960s TV shows.

writer: Ian Edginton
artist: Matthew Dow Smith

As Bruce Wayne shows the beautiful head of a UK electronics company the sights of Gotham, they are interrupted by the felonious feline Catwoman! Unwilling to leave Miss Michaela Gough unprotected, Bruce resigns himself to the fact that Batman cannot save the day. But some new players have arrived in town-though even as the catsuit-clad lovely Mrs. Peel and her comrade John Steed take control of the situation, nefarious plots continue apace!


Although I was not happy with plot and style of issues from BOOM for trilogy "Steed and Mrs Peel, We're Needed", it is wants to believe that in the successful scenario and the approach, some Batman fans can to join the Avengerland. :D

What are your thoughts about the upcoming comic book series?

Posted: Wed Jun 08, 2016 5:03 pm
by SteedMonk
I've just bought the first issue online. It's actually kind of fun and both Steed and Mrs. Peel are exceptionally well drawn! It seems like they put a lot of effort into getting them style-wise right.

Catwomen even jokes about Mrs. Peel's catsuit :D ! And at the end of the issue, we get a glimpse at a very well known avengers villain.

Posted: Wed Jun 08, 2016 6:05 pm
by Alan
I must be honest - I have a real problem with crossovers of this kind. The Batman>Avengers one is particularly unwanted (at least with me) as, even though I adore both series, they don't fit together in tone.

Like you, Denis, I really disliked the Boom! comics. I didn't get past the first one (Steed in a post-apocalypse Britain) - totally missed what the series was about.

Posted: Wed Jun 08, 2016 6:43 pm
by anti-clockwise
agree its a great little comic. Nice idea of Peel meets catwoman. similar outfits for sure.

Posted: Wed Jun 08, 2016 6:51 pm
by cyberrich
I must admit I'm also not keen on crossovers like this, but if it's respectfully done and it keeps The Avengers in the limelight, and maybe introduces them to new fans, then it might just be a good thing. :)

Posted: Wed Jun 08, 2016 11:35 pm
by dissolute
I have the full set of the BOOM! comics but I really don't know why, the plot was ludicrous. I think I was hoping for some great Avengerish twist which wasn't quite delivered.

Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2016 10:44 am
by denis rigg
Sadly, this is one of the main problems Boom comics - ludicrous plots, flat characters, almost without humour (at least for me) and no Avengers style (sometimes it even resembles "inferno", oh my Steed).

When Boom reprinted the comics of companies "Eclipse / Acme Press", I true believed that own Boom products will be carried out at least in the same spirit. Yes, because stories from companies "Eclipse / Acme Press" aroused bit of nostalgia for "TV comic". Already good. But I didn't expect that this will change dramatically when Boom took the relay. When I read first volume (№0, august 2012) I thought that it looks like the sequels to The Avengers movie (1998). :shock: and unfortunately that feeling has almost not changed up to the release of the latest edition "Steed and Mrs Peel, We're Needed" (№3, september 2014).

All this shows we have a very small chance that at some point the Boom comics will go at least bit forward to Avengerland, which we love. :( And of course it will not happen in such approach, like "Batman '66 Meets Steed and Mrs. Peel". It is important to note that the author of the story for first volume is still the same Ian Edginton (writer of Boom adventures "Steed and Mrs Peel, We're Needed") - it's why I wrote above: "I was not happy with plot and style of issues from BOOM for trilogy "Steed and Mrs Peel, We're Needed". That is, most likely it will be done in the same style.

I do not like crossovers too, the only hope that some Batman fans maybe attracts it and they will interested in series the Avengers.

Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2016 1:06 pm
by denis rigg
Look at the work of artist Matthew Dow Smith.

The introduction of Steed and Peel.


Mrs. Peel, again, middle and close-up. :D


Steed looks quite nice in the middle ground (although still unknown image of Steed in a close-up from Matthew). Close-up of Emma is very well for comic. Progress for Avengers 'Boom' stories, which wants to believe will be saved in the next adventures. At least good to see that Matthew has made some efforts. :)

For сompare (BOOM, №0). Mrs. Peel. Artist: Steve Bryant.

(BOOM, №1). Artist: Will Sliney.

(BOOM, №5). Artist: Yasmin Liang.

Steed and Mrs Peel, We're Needed. Artist: Marco Cosentino.


Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2016 5:49 pm
by Alan
Cartney is very obviously styled on Gerald Harper from Adam Adamant Lives! - and I must admit I stopped reading the speech bubbles after Mrs Peel said "darling", which sounds so wrong.

Posted: Sat Jun 18, 2016 8:02 pm
by denis rigg
Alan wrote:and I must admit I stopped reading the speech bubbles after Mrs Peel said "darling", which sounds so wrong.
Well, Alan, probably it's good that you did not continue to read the bubble from Emma Peel on that pic, as fully she says following there: :wink:
"I'm Sorry, Darling, but my Name is Mrs. Peel".

Except "Darling", it sounds as if the entire story for the reader will be go in way that no one will know first name of Mrs. Peel, it's just - heroine Mrs. Peel. Greatly!!! :D

Firther - the first bubble of our hero sounds:
"And I'm John Steed....".
At first glance it's the usual bit of phrase, but actually it leads to the fact that John Steed for the reader becomes sort of partner to Mrs Peel - that is, she is the main person.
Rather, our hero in this situation should was to say just "John Steed", thereby focusing on personality, not "And I'm...".

Well, sadly, name Ian Edginton says about we could not wait for specific changes from its previous Avengers creations to Boom, this clearly americanized and goes beyond the canon of Avengerland, the only tangible advantage for company is artist Matthew Dow Smith. I can not say that he are a very good artist (only good for comic of this type - actually in frame "good"), but his pictures are forced to take on events in story by other way. Maybe in the future he will work with another writer. :roll: