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Forum banner 2019

Posted: Fri Feb 01, 2019 12:06 pm
by dissolute
Starting today we have a series of episode-specific banners. Not sure how long each one will be up for - two weeks? a month? - with 161 episodes of The Avengers and another 26 of The New Avengers it will keep us going for a while, to say the least!

We kick it off with the very first episode, Hot Snow.


Posted: Thu Feb 14, 2019 8:17 am
by dissolute
From the very first to the very last! This fortnight we have Forward Base.

Posted: Fri Feb 15, 2019 3:42 am
by Frankymole
For me, "Emily" will always be the last. I love the moment when Steed is bestowed with the flower in his buttonhole, recalling the first colour series. One of the many reasons my only daughter is called Emily. Not that'd I'd ever tell her! (There are other reasons she's got that name. But remembering the Avengers is an important one - her nickname is "Emmy" which recalls the amazing Emma Peel, too).

Posted: Fri Feb 15, 2019 3:45 am
by Frankymole
By the way, which order is Forward Base last in? All the transmission orders, and the production order, at Avengers Forever seem to put it earlier:

Posted: Fri Feb 15, 2019 4:26 am
by dissolute
Frankymole wrote:By the way, which order is Forward Base last in? All the transmission orders, and the production order, at Avengers Forever seem to put it earlier:
I knew it was contentious to say it was the last one! Dave Rogers had it last in his books. I think my DVD set has it last as well, I would need to check. You could *techincally* say that Gladiators was last as it wasn't shown in the first run in London as it was deemed too violent.

(Plus, I have a now-not-hidden agenda in choosing this one, based on what comes next.)

Posted: Sat Feb 16, 2019 6:44 pm
by Allard
Nice story FrankyMole.

Forward Base is at least the last of the best episodes.

Posted: Sat Feb 16, 2019 10:00 pm
by Rhonda
The episodic banners are very enticing!

Posted: Sun Feb 17, 2019 12:15 pm
by dissolute
Thanks Rhonda, I've just realised how many there are so we might speed up the rotation or they'll never all see the light of day.

Posted: Wed Feb 20, 2019 7:27 am
by dissolute
This week's banner is a Dr King episode, Dead on Course (the last broadcast but not the last in production or story terms, that's The Sell-Out), note the stylistic similarity to last week's !


Posted: Wed Feb 27, 2019 8:03 am
by dissolute
A controversial one this week, with the banner being for the movie - The Avengers (1998).