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Indentifying a scene

Posted: Sun Oct 11, 2020 8:53 pm
by Allard
Didn't thought I'd have to ask to identify an Avengers scene, but here goes.

A friend mentioned a scene where Steed is asked to show his socks to prove he is properly dresses (which of course he is).

For the love of all that is dear I can not remember this episode. Any of you can?

Posted: Mon Oct 12, 2020 8:16 pm
by darren
I can picture a serious looking Steed in black and white lifting up his trouser leg and showing his ankle....

But where is it... no idea.

Posted: Tue Oct 13, 2020 2:37 pm
by Frankymole
It's not in one of the early Tara King episodes where he has a piece of paper (address? Pass?) inside the side of his boot, is it?

Posted: Tue Oct 13, 2020 5:34 pm
by Lee
Frankymole wrote:It's not in one of the early Tara King episodes where he has a piece of paper (address? Pass?) inside the side of his boot, is it?
That's the one I was thinking.

It's The Forget-Me-Knot. Tara has pounced on Steed outside, then met him inside and given him her address on a card. He goes to put it in his wallet, to which Tara exclaims 'You're not going to put it in your wallet' to which Steed puts his wallet away and puts it in his shoe, showing his sock (I believe).

Couldn't think of any other scene....

Posted: Tue Oct 13, 2020 8:02 pm
by darren
Dial A Deadly Number

Steed is with Peter Bowles' character - he gets told that they can judge someone's credit risk from the colour of his socks. That's the one that came to my mind.

7:20 -

Posted: Wed Oct 14, 2020 5:17 am
by dissolute
I think Darren has it, I had in mind it was a Cathy episode.

In The Forget-Me-Knot he's condescendingly indulging Tara's naïve view of how agents act.

Posted: Thu Oct 15, 2020 11:52 am
by Allard
darren wrote:Dial A Deadly Number

Steed is with Peter Bowles' character - he gets told that they can judge someone's credit risk from the colour of his socks. That's the one that came to my mind.

7:20 -

Yes, this is definitely it. It was lurking in my subconscious somewhere.

This is supposed to be a play on the fact that left wingers would wear red socks in the fifties/sixties as a covert signalling ploy. (Not vouching for its veracity, but now you know and judge for yourself.)

Posted: Fri Oct 16, 2020 12:54 am
by dissolute
Allard wrote:
darren wrote:Dial A Deadly Number

Steed is with Peter Bowles' character - he gets told that they can judge someone's credit risk from the colour of his socks. That's the one that came to my mind.

7:20 -

Yes, this is definitely it. It was lurking in my subconscious somewhere.

This is supposed to be a play on the fact that left wingers would wear red socks in the fifties/sixties as a covert signalling ploy. (Not vouching for its veracity, but now you know and judge for yourself.)
Ah, like Russian lackies and stooges wearing really long red ties with a navy suit nowadays. ;)