Angels of Death
The Killing Fields


The New Avengers

Page 1

These pages list all the people killed in The New Avengers; as well as the people doing the killing, and their modi operandi.

Speaking trivially, it’s hard to pick the bloodiest episode. Gladiators was banned for violence, although it only has 4 on-screen deaths, and Target!, Gnaws and K is for Kill — Part 1: The Tiger Awakes all clock up nine (although the latter has combat between Russian and French forces, so the death toll is much higher — as high as 260, perhaps; however The Midas Touch may be the worst with three individual deaths, and the murders of a whole house full of innocent party guests.

The guide is in two parts, use the links below to navigate them (or use those at the bottom of the pages).

All the screen grabs on this page are ©1977 The Avengers (Film &Television) Enterprises Ltd.

Victim Killer Method
The Eagle’s Nest
George Stannard Main poisoned fish hook
Ralph (self) suicide pill
House of Cards
Ivan Perov (faked) (self) injection
David Miller Ivan Perov silenced pistol
The Last of the Cybernauts…??
Terry Kane? bullet wound?
Kane (assumed) (self) crashes car into fuel tanker, which explodes
Frank Goff Kane cybernaut
1st Guard Kane cybernaut
J.B. Foster Kane cybernaut
Malov Professor Mason cybernaut
The Midas Touch
Tayman (other henchmen) shot to prevent spead of infection
(lots of party guests) Midas infects punch bowl with his hands
Boz Purdey kicked off building
Freddy self drives off cliff after finding himself infected by Midas
Professor Turner Midas hit in face during struggle, and dies from infection
Cat Amongst the Pigeons
Hugh Rydercroft Zarcadi flock of pigeons cause his plane to crash
W. Foster Zarcadi attacked by hawks, he falls out a window
McKay Bradshaw curare darts
Potterton Bradshaw curare darts
Talmadge Bradshaw curare darts
David Palmer Bradshaw curare darts
George Myers Bradshaw curare darts
Bradshaw Gambit curare darts
Professor Lopez Klokoe curare dart
Ilenko Draker curare dart
Klokoe Gambit curare dart blown back through his blowpipe
To Catch a Rat
Cledge Gunner shot by his own revolver during struggle
The Tale of the Big Why
Bert Brandon Poole shotgun wound which causes a car accident
Craig Mullins bow and arrow
Clifford Mullins bow and arrow
The False Clifford (natural causes) heart atack
Bilston Mullins bow and arrow
Mullins Purdey falls on an arrow
Steed The False Steed silenced pistol (or so we think…)
Gambit The False Gambit (or so Purdey thinks…)
Frank Hardy Tina silenced pistol
Three Handed Game
Professor Juventor silenced pistol
Ranson Juventor Juventor’s brain is transferred to Ranson’s body, effectively eliminating Ranson.
Dirtier by the Dozen
Guerilla Colonel Miller sten gun
Guerilla Sergeant Bowdon sten gun
Travis Corporal Keller bowie knife
Freddy (disease) tropical disease caught while in Africa
Harris Colonel Miller sentenced to death by firing squad
Edward Harlow Charles Thornton blow to the back of the head
Ivan Borovich the rat mauled and eaten
Patrick Malloy the rat mauled and eaten
George Ratcliffe the rat mauled and eaten
Mechanic the rat mauled and eaten
Tramp Joe the rat mauled and eaten
Carter the rat mauled and eaten
Charles Thornton the rat mauled and eaten
the rat Gambit rocket gun

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