The Murder Market The Killing Fields
of Series 4 (1965–6)


The Avengers

Page 1

This page list all the people killed in episodes of the first Diana Rigg series of The Avengers; as well as the people doing the killing, and their modi operandi.

Speaking trivially, Man-eater of Surrey Green is the most bloodthirsty episode, in which twenty-five people are unceremoniously dispatched (although mostly by an alien plant), followed by The Girl From Auntie with eleven unfortunates. There is not one episode in which no-one dies at all, although The Gravediggers, The Master Minds, Silent Dust, Room Without A View, and Small Game For Big Hunters only top one a piece.

The guide is in three parts, use the links below to navigate them (or use those at the bottom of the pages).

All the screen grabs on this page are

Victim Killer Method
The Town of No Return
Tom Smallwood ?? ??
Rest of the villagers ?? ??
Jimmy Smallwood Saul savaged by dogs
School Inspector Saul savaged by dogs
The Gravediggers
Dr. Marlow Miller ? (off screen, under Johnson’s orders)
The Cybernauts
Walter Carson Roger the Cybernaut fractured skull (prior to episode)
Andrew Denham Roger the Cybernaut fractured skull (prior to episode)
Samuel Hammond Roger the Cybernaut beaten to death
Bob Lambert Roger the Cybernaut beaten to death
Jephcott Roger the Cybernaut beaten to death
Dr. Armstrong Roger the Cybernaut & other Cybernaut beaten to death
Death at Bargain Prices
Moran Wentworth shot
Jarvis Wentworth? sickle in back
Wentworth? Mrs. Peel shot
Kane? Wentworth pushed down stairs
Castle De’Ath
Diver Angus or McNab? stretched on rack
Controller? Steed (sort of…) killed by exploding controls
Ian Angus dirk thrown into back
Roberton Emma crossbow bolt
McNab Emma thrown over railing
Angus himself trapped in Iron Maiden
The Master Minds
Sir Clive Todd Dr. Fergus Campbell (while hypnotised) lethal injection
Dead MP himself? (while hypnotised?) pistol
The Murder Market
Jonathan Stone Barbara Wakefield shot
J.G. Henshaw Barbara Wakefield drowned/electrocuted? in bath
A Surfeit of H2O
Ted Barker Dr. Sturm drowned by weather machine
Eli Barker Dr. Sturm drowned by weather machine
Sir Arnold Kelly Dr. Sturm drowned by weather machine
Dr. Sturm himself drowned by weather machine
The Hour That Never Was
Milkman ? shot
Hickey ? shot? strangled? (off camera)
Dial A Deadly Number
Tod-Hunter Fitch needle through heart
Myers? Steed & himself motorcycle crash (caused by gunshot?)
Frederick Yuill Fitch needle through heart
Fitch Fitch and Steed bicycle pump gun (in fight)
Henry Boardman? Ben Jago shot

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