The Murder Market
The Killing Fields
of Series 4 (1965–6)
The Avengers
Page 2
This page list all the people killed in episodes of the first Diana Rigg series of The Avengers; as well as the people doing the killing, and their modi operandi.
Speaking trivially, Man-eater of Surrey Green is the most bloodthirsty episode, in which twenty-five people are unceremoniously dispatched (although mostly by an alien plant), followed by The Girl From Auntie with eleven unfortunates. There is not one episode in which no-one dies at all, although The Gravediggers, The Master Minds, Silent Dust, Room Without A View, and Small Game For Big Hunters only top one a piece.
The guide is in three parts, use the links below to navigate them (or use those at the bottom of the pages).
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