The Murder Market The Killing Fields
of Series 4 (1965–6)


The Avengers

Page 3

This page list all the people killed in episodes of the first Diana Rigg series of The Avengers; as well as the people doing the killing, and their modi operandi.

Speaking trivially, Man-eater of Surrey Green is the most bloodthirsty episode, in which twenty-five people are unceremoniously dispatched (although mostly by an alien plant), followed by The Girl From Auntie with eleven unfortunates. There is not one episode in which no-one dies at all, although The Gravediggers, The Master Minds, Silent Dust, Room Without A View, and Small Game For Big Hunters only top one a piece.

The guide is in three parts, use the links below to navigate them (or use those at the bottom of the pages).

All the screen grabs on this page are

Victim Killer Method
The Thirteenth Hole
Ted Murphy Frank Reed .303 rifle
Jerry Collins Jackson golf ball gun
Quick-Quick Slow Death
Arthur Peever Willi Fehr shot
Huggins Bracewell stabbed with stiletto
Willi Fehr Captain Noble shot
Fintry Bracewell shot
Bernhard Bracewell smothered with plaster
The Danger Makers
General Groves himself hit by truck in chicken run
Gordon Lamble Major Robertson suffocated
Wing Commander Watson himself aeroplane crash
Stanhope Major Robertson machine gun
Peters Dr. Long shot
Dr. Long Mrs. Peel catapulted onto electrified rails
A Touch of Brimstone
VIP Willy Frant electrocution
Lord Darcy Willy Frant trapdoor into river
John Cartney himself & Emma trapdoor into river (accidental)
What The Butler Saw
Walters Sergeant Moran shot
Barber Sergeant Moran stabbed
Reeves Sergeant Moran bayonetted
Hubert Hemming Benson shot
The House That Jack Built
H.M. Prisons Officer ? Burton broken neck
Withers Burton ? bayonetted
Burton Professor Keller suicide box (done by machinery)
A Sense of History
James Broom Duboys arrow
Grindley (FAKED) Millerson arrow
John Petit Grindley crushed by bookshelf
How to Succeed .... at Murder
(9 other executives) (Throgbottom’s gang) ? (prior to episode)
Mr. Barton Liz Purbright blown up with TNT & plunger
Sir George Morton Sara strangled with stocking
Jack Finlay Sara poison dart
J.J. Hooter Gladys Murkle poisoned swab over nose
Henry Throgbottom Steed shot
Honey for the Prince
George Reed Vincent East machine gun
Ronny Westcott Vincent East machine gun
B. Bumble Vincent East pistol shot
Ponsonby Hopkirk Vincent East pistol shot
Bernie himself & Emma fell on discharging pistol

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