Death’s Door
The Killing Fields
of Series 5 (1967–8)
The Avengers
Page 1
These pages list all the people killed in episodes of the first colour series of The Avengers; as well as the people doing the killing, and their modi operandi. A touch macabre, you say? Well, maybe but there was very rarely any obvious blood on screen (look for the blood spots alongside the victim’s name).
Speaking trivially, The Correct Way To Kill is the most bloodthirsty episode, in which nine people are unceremoniously dispatched, closely followed by The Superlative Seven and Who’s Who??? with eight unfortunates apiece. You may like to shelter in the relative calm of The Forget-Me-Knot, in which no-one dies at all.
The guide is now in three parts, use the links below to navigate them (or use those at the bottom of the pages).
All the screen grabs on this page are