• title card: white all caps text reading ‘MAN WITH TWO SHADOWS’ superimposed on a view up a vaulted corridor — probably a model
  • Borowski goes bonkers in his cell, the cage roof casting disturbing patterns
  • Steed arrives at the holiday camp wearing a terrible hat that’s too small for him; Cathy looks at it with undisguised horror
  • Steed — or his double — with a plaster on his forehead, chats to Bill Gordon, sitting on a love seat
  • Cummings, and Sigi on his left, plot to kill Steed, unsure if he’s the double or not
  • Cathy, wearing a gold lamé pullover, wields her hefty revolver in Steed’s cabin

Series 3 — Episode 3
Man with Two Shadows

by James Mitchell
Designed by Paul Bernard
Directed by Don Leaver

Production No 3605, VTR/ABC/2799
Production completed: June 21 1963. First transmission: October 12 1963.

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