• title card: white all caps text reading ‘MAN-EATER OF SURREY GREEN’ outlined in black and superimposed on a close-up of Carter, focusing on his hearing aid
  • Steed and Emma unclover the skeleton in the space capsule
  • Wing Commader Davies, Steed and Emma examine the dead alient plant
  • Mrs. Peel says ‘Cheers’ as she raises a pint
  • Lennox comes out of the woods and takes aim at Pearson with his shotgun, we can just see Pearson’s left shoulder on the right of the screen
  • A close up of cells from the plant through Dr. Sheldon’s microscope
  • Mrs. Peel, possessed by the alien plant, fights Steed in the greenhouse
  • Mrs. Peel sits atop the hay cart wearing Steed’s bowler hat with a dandelion in the band

Series 4 — Episode 11
Man-eater of Surrey Green

by Philip Levene
Directed by Sidney Hayers

Production No E.64.10.12
Production completed: June 11 1965. First transmission: December 7 1965.


click a name to see the face
John Steed Patrick Macnee regular007
Emma Peel Diana Rigg regular007Doctor Who
Sir Lyle Peterson Derek Farr regularBlake’s 7The SaintAdam Adamant
Doctor Sheldon Athene Seyler regular
Laura Burford Gillian Lewis Department S
Alan Carter William Job regular
Wing Commander Davies David Hutcheson Danger ManJason King
Publican (John) Joe Ritchie
Bob Pearson Donald Oliver The Saint
Joe Mercer Joby Blanshard The SaintAdam Adamant
Lennox John G. Heller regularDanger ManThe SaintPink PantherThe Sweeney
Professor Taylor Edwin Finn Doctor Who
Dr. Connelly Ross Hutchinson regular
Professor Knight Harry Shacklock regularCarry On..
Labourer Vincent Fleming regular007The Champions
Labourer Fred Peck regularCarry On..The SaintDad’s Army
Labourer unknown
Labourer Jim Brady Carry On..007The SaintThe PrisonerThe Sweeney
Labourer unknown regular
Labourer unknown
Labourer unknown
Villager Bill Rooney regularThe Saint
Villager Chris Adcock Danger ManThe SaintCarry On..
Villager Arthur Sandifer
Villager unknown
Villager unknown
Villager unknown
Villager Mickey Clarke regularThe SweeneySpace 1999Carry On..Star Wars
Villager unknown
Villager unknown
Scientist Ned Lynch regularDanger Man007The SaintThe PrisonerThe Champions
Scientist Mike Jarvis regular007The SaintThe ChampionsCarry On..
Military Policeman unknown
Military Policeman unknown* regularThe ChampionsDanger ManThe SaintCarry On
Soldier Alan Chuntz regularDoctor WhoDanger Man007
Soldier unknown
Soldier Don Archell regularDanger ManThe Saint
Soldier unknown
Soldier unknown
Soldier unknown
Dispatch rider unknown
Dispatch rider unknown

John G. Heller is credited in the TV Times but receives no on-screen credit.

* Previously identified as John Cam but probably is not, last name may be Warren.

Credits Legend:
Credited but not listed in press
Credited in press but not on screen
Credited in paperwork only
Uncredited / unattributed rôle
® : illustrated from other sources

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