• title card: white all caps text reading ‘SMALL GAME FOR BIG HUNTERS’ outlinked in black and superimposed on a milestone reading ‘LONDON 23 MILES’
  • Steed, in his dashing chalk-stripe suit, looks concerned about Emma who is yawning loudly — she wears a tight sleeveless top and stands before the plastic screen shielding the sleeping patients
  • Razafi captures Steed in a tiger trap which whisks him up in the air until his head collides with a tree branch
  • Steed ans Trent enter the jungle inside the enormous greenhouse, passing the formidable temperature and humidity controls
  • Razafi, his face painted with a tribal marking, lights a hurricane lantern in the foreground left
  • Emma, dressed as Lala in a sarong, is captured by one of the tribesmen and questioned by Professor Swain
  • The flies begin to … die like flies … in the English rain
  • Emma paddles away in the front of a canoe while Steed just sits in the back talking

Series 4 — Episode 16
Small Game for Big Hunters

by Philip Levene
Directed by Gerry O’Hara

Production No E.64.10.17
Production completed: October 1 1965. First transmission: January 11 1966.

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