• title card: white all caps text with black dropshadow to the left reading ‘FROM VENUS WITH LOVE’ superimposed on a close-up of Cosgrove lying dead on the floor with his hair turned grey. The O in LOVE is a heart with an arrow through it
  • subtitle card: white all caps text with black dropshadow to the left reading ‘STEED IS SHOT FULL OF HOLES
			EMMA SEES STARS!’ superimposed on a close-up of Cosgrove lying dead on the floor with his hair turned grey
  • Video of Steed interrupting Mrs. Peel’s fencing practice: Emma wears a navy catsuit while practicing her fencing, turning towards us with the rapier held vertically, almost touching the tip of her nose. Behind her, a red baby grand piano fits neatly into a red-painted alcove. When she turns back to attack the target hanging from her front door, Steed parries with his umbrella on which is impaled his signature calling card reading ‘Mrs. Peel, WE’RE NEEDED!’
  • Upper class chimney sweep Bert Smith smiles inanely at Mrs. Peel, whose back is to us. His face, top hat and morning suit are covered in soot and grime
  • Steed peers to look at some of the spectacles on a shelf, his eye distorted and enlarged as we see them through the lenses
  • Primble wheels in his eccentric eye test — a white board with different hats arranged on it
  • Primble, on the right, gloats at Mrs. Peel who has been strapped to an examining chair by leather belts
  • Mrs. Peel is impressed with Steed’s bleached white bowler hat
  • Video of Steed playing the piano while Emma prepares to ‘have dinner on Venus’, she tells him his Claret doesn’t travel well

Series 5 — Episode 1
From Venus With Love

by Philip Levene
Directed by Robert Day

Steed is shot full of holes
Emma sees stars!

Production No E.66.6.4
Production completed: November 1 1966. First transmission: January 9 1967.

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