• title card: white all caps text with black dropshadow to the left reading ‘THE FEAR MERCHANTS’ superimposed on a close-up of Meadows lying face-down on the turf in fear
  • subtitle card: white all caps text with black dropshadow to the left reading ‘STEED PUTS OUT A LIGHT
			EMMA TAKES FRIGHT’ superimposed on a close-up of Meadows lying face-down on the turf in fear
  • Youtube video showing Emma entering her flat wearing a pale lavender sun dress. She sees a box of chocolates has been left inside the cavity of her sculpture but opening it reveals nothing but Steed’s signature summons card which reads ‘Mrs. Peel WE’RE NEEDED!’
  • Mrs. Peel, in a purple catsuit, lies on top of a concrete block sculpture she is working on and chips away at it with a chisel and hammer, somewhat disconcerting Steed who is standing next to it, talking to her
  • White is on the floor, cowering behind a tipped-over bird cage as he’s terrorised by his avian assailant
  • The austere BEB boardroom — all black and white. Pemberton sits at the end of the glossy black table, flanked by Dr. Voss and Gilbert, who stand either side of him; all three wear sunglasses
  • Steed dives at Gilbert from behind, having evaded his trap in the gravel pit, while the bulldozer looms ominously over them
  • Dr. Voss pulls on a surgical glove as she prepares to subject Mrs. Peel to the base fear — pain
  • Youtube video showing Mrs. Peel discovering another box of chocolates, this time full and she discovers Steed’s greatest fear — a lack of champagne!

Series 5 — Episode 2
The Fear Merchants

by Philip Levene
Directed by Gordon Flemyng

Steed puts out a light
Emma takes fright

Production No E.66.6.1
Production completed: October 1 1966. First transmission: January 16 1967.

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