• title card: white all caps text made to look like stone blocks, with perspective from top right, reading ‘EPIC’ superimposed on a close-up of the top of a film award statuette in the shape of a woman holding a cloth above her head
  • subtitle card: white all caps text with black dropshadow to the left reading ‘STEED CATCHES A FALLING STAR
			EMMA MAKES A MOVIE’ superimposed on the close-up of the statuette
  • Youtube video — Steed drops by Emma’s flat but she breezes past him at the door, telling him, ‘I’m needed — elsewhere!’
  • The Avengers break all four walls; Emma’s flat is revealed — to her and to us — to be a set on a sound stage at the movie studio
  • Kirby, dressed as an undertaker with white face and grey hair, calls to Mrs. Peel from the hearse
  • Emma awakens in a bed, finding an Old West holster strapped around her, an ivory-handled revolver inside
  • In a parody of the MGM lion, Emma makes a demure roar as the wording ‘A Z.Z. von SCHNERK PRODUCTION’ encircles her head
  • Parody of ‘The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari’ in the set design and ‘The Perils of Pauline’ as Emma inches closer to the whirling buzzsaw
  • Youtube video — Steed and Emma decide to relax by going to the movies, then decide to stay in instead. Emma kicks down the wall — they are still on Schnerk’s set- and beckons for Steed to follow her home

Series 5 — Episode 11

by Brian Clemens
Directed by James Hill

Steed catches a falling star
Emma makes a movie

Production No E.66.6.11
Production completed: February 27 1967. First transmission: March 29 1967.

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