• title card: pale yellow all caps text with black dropshadow to the left reading ‘A FUNNY THING HAPPENED ON THE WAY TO THE STATION’ superimposed on a view of Lucas walking up a railway siding beside a stationary train
  • subtitle card: pale yellow all caps text with black dropshadow to the left reading ‘STEED GOES OFF THE RAILS
			EMMA FINDS HER STATION IN LIFE’ superimposed on Lucas, a bit further down the siding beside the train
  • Youtube video — Mrs. Peel enters her living room to find a Percy train set on the table, the caboose bearing a card reading ‘Mrs. PEEL’ on one side and ‘WE’RE NEEDED’ on the other; she fillips Steed’s nose with it
  • The attendant hands Emma a £5 note in the carriage corridor as Steed looks on
  • Lucas lies in the box, a white carnation left by the groom lying across his chest
  • Crewe chuckles at the recording on the umbrella and declares it isn’t a train at all; Mrs. Peel looks confused, possibly because of her bright yellow suit
  • The groom laughs manically as he peppers the signal box with sub-machine gun fire
  • Steed, handcuffed to the pipes, looks perturnbed by the ticket collector’s plans
  • Youtube video — the Prime Minister drops by Emma’s flat to give a personal thank you but the Avengers decide not to answer the door so they don’t have to be subjected to an interminable speech

Series 5 — Episode 13
A Funny Thing Happened On The Way To The Station

by Brian Sheriff
Directed by John Krish

Steed goes off the rails
Emma finds her station in life

Production No E.66.13
Production completed: March 22 1967. First transmission: April 12 1967.


click a name to see the face
John Steed Patrick Macnee regular007
Emma Peel Diana Rigg regular007Doctor Who
Ticket Collector James Hayter
Crewe John Laurie regularDad’s Army
Groom Drewe Henley Star WarsSpace 1999UFORandall and Hopkirk
Bride Isla Blair Doctor WhoBlake’s 7The SaintIndiana JonesSpace 1999Department SJason King
Salt Tim Barrett regularThe SaintDad’s Army
Admiral Cartney Richard Caldicot regularDanger ManThe PrisonerUFODepartment S
George Warren Dyson Lovell The Saint
Attendant Peter J Elliott regularDanger ManThe ChampionsDepartment S
Lucas Michael Nightingale regularDanger ManThe PrisonerCarry On..Pink PantherUFO
Secretary Noel Davis regular
Thug unknown
Bart John Doye The Prisoner
Railway clerk Dan Lester 007
Hostess Tamsin Millard regularThe Prisoner
Georgie unknown
Policeman Tony O’Leary regular007Doctor WhoThe SaintThe ChampionsCarry On..
Policeman unknown
Passenger at Norborough unknown
Passenger at Norborough unknown
Passenger at Norborough Jack Arrow regularThe Saint
Passenger at Norborough John Tatum regularThe SaintThe Champions
Passenger at Norborough unknown
Passenger in dining car unknown
Passenger in dining car unknown
Passenger in dining car unknown
Passenger in dining car unknown
Passenger in dining car Royston Farrell regularDoctor Who
Passenger disembarking at Norbourgh unknown
Passenger at Norborough and on train unknown
Passenger on train and at King’s Cross Tony Mendelssohn regularDanger ManThe SaintThe Prisoner
Passenger on train Dan Lester 007
Passenger on train unknown
Passenger on train Tamsin Millard regularThe Prisoner
Passenger on train unknown
Passenger on train unknown
Passenger on train Paul Weston regular007Indiana JonesStar WarsSpace 1999Blake’s 7
Passenger at King’s Cross unknown
Passenger at King’s Cross unknown
Guard at Norborough Jimmy Cains Danger Man
Porter at Norborough Peter Roy regular007Star WarsDoctor WhoThe SaintThe SweeneyBlake’s 7CallanIndiana JonesCarry On..
Passenger disembarking at Norbourgh unknown
Passenger disembarking at Norbourgh unknown
Passenger disembarking at Norbourgh unknown
Passenger disembarking at Norbourgh unknown
Passenger on train unknown
Passenger on train unknown
Passenger on train unknown
Passenger on train unknown
Passenger on train unknown
Passenger on train unknown
Passenger on train Peggy Scott Sanders regularThe SaintDanger ManThe PrisonerCarry On..
Passenger on train unknown
Passenger on train Jimmy Cains Danger Man
Passenger at Norborough and on train Lee Fenton regularDoctor WhoThe Saint
Passenger on train Aileen Lewis regular007The PrisonerThe SaintThe SweeneyCallanCarry On..
Credits Legend:
Credited but not listed in press
Credited in press but not on screen
Credited in paperwork only
Uncredited / unattributed rôle
® : illustrated from other sources

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