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Posted: Mon Jan 04, 2010 5:20 pm
by Timeless A-Peel
Dandy Forsdyke wrote:But by Purdey's 'out of character' I meant the latter hysterical scenes with the


death of Larry, not the flashback scenes. Perhaps it wasn't a case of 'out of character', but rather 'too much character' for my personal taste - I dunno. I think I prefer a more 'stiff upper lip Avengers'. For me, it was another case of copying what the more emotive American cop shows were doing. But each to their own. :wink:
Ah, I see what you're getting at. I found that the scene where Emma gets upset over the death of Paul Beresford and proceeds to kick the stuffing out of the "doctor" threw me for a loop in a similar way (though I'm not saying I dislike the scene--it's a rare humanising moment for Emma). I think I find it less-jarring in TNA because Purdey's generally written as a more "emotional" character--she cries about three times in the course of the series, which is probably more than Cathy, Emma, and Tara combined. I think for me it depends on the character--Emma was written to be very unruffled, but Purdey and Gambit and TNA Steed are written to be more human, so these sorts of scenes seem in keeping with that for me. In Obsession a lot of her reaction is her old self peeking through, and I love it. Out of curiousity, do you find it just as "wrong" when there are other touches of emotion in the series, such as when Purdey gets upset over Gambit's supposed demise in Faces? It seems to me to be so much of TNA's appeal.

Posted: Mon Jan 04, 2010 5:58 pm
by Charlie Parker
Touch of Brimstone- Sorry, Diana Rigg in a bordeline dominatrix outfit does not make it great. It's a very dull plodding episode in my view.

Who's Who?- By no means awful, I just think it very pedestrian. Also the Important Announce parts are annoying.

Obsession- A very twee and predictable episode and to soppy for me.

Six Hands Across A Table- The whole storyline is very dull and doesn't really seem Avenger-ish.

Posted: Mon Jan 04, 2010 6:53 pm
by Timeless A-Peel
Charlie Parker wrote:Touch of Brimstone- Sorry, Diana Rigg in a bordeline dominatrix outfit does not make it great. It's a very dull plodding episode in my view.
Yes, one of the biggest surprises for me when I watched it was how boring the vast majority of it was. It felt like one of the duller Gale-era episodes.

Posted: Mon Jan 04, 2010 7:17 pm
by Dandy Forsdyke
Timeless A-Peel wrote:Out of curiousity, do you find it just as "wrong" when there are other touches of emotion in the series, such as when Purdey gets upset over Gambit's supposed demise in Faces? It seems to me to be so much of TNA's appeal.

I didn't mind Purdey getting tearful over Gambit. If I remember correctly she was on her own wiping her eyes and trying to drive - therefore in private. But by then I realised Purdey, like Tara, was a younger, more emotional girl than Emma and Cathy who were more equal to John Steed. In fact I found that scene rather endearing, as I recall.

I didn't care for Tara throwing her arms around Steed when rescued either, even as a kid I remember going "pfffffff!"

Posted: Mon Jan 04, 2010 7:36 pm
by Timeless A-Peel
Dandy Forsdyke wrote:
Timeless A-Peel wrote:Out of curiousity, do you find it just as "wrong" when there are other touches of emotion in the series, such as when Purdey gets upset over Gambit's supposed demise in Faces? It seems to me to be so much of TNA's appeal.

I didn't mind Purdey getting tearful over Gambit. If I remember correctly she was on her own wiping her eyes and trying to drive - therefore in private. But by then I realised Purdey, like Tara, was a younger, more emotional girl than Emma and Cathy who were more equal to John Steed. In fact I found that scene rather endearing, as I recall.
Yes, she cries in the car and in the phonebox when she goes to phone Gambit, but she's still a little hysterical by the time she goes to talk to Craig, and even when she confronts "Walton." It's not anything like Obsession, though, but both episodes work to reveal Purdey's vulnerability as a character. A matter of degree, then?

Posted: Mon Jan 04, 2010 7:52 pm
by Dandy Forsdyke
Degree? Kind of, I suppose. That's why I like the ending to The Forget Me Knot and why Brief Encounter is my favourite British movie. 8)

Timeless, you avatar ... It Couldn't Happen Here ... ?

Posted: Mon Jan 04, 2010 8:27 pm
by Timeless A-Peel
Dandy Forsdyke wrote:Degree? Kind of, I suppose. That's why I like the ending to The Forget Me Knot and why Brief Encounter is my favourite British movie. 8)

Timeless, you avatar ... It Couldn't Happen Here ... ?
Well, I mean a quiet private cry vs. a raw public display. I like them both because they both give a different insight to the character. Purdey's grief is sweet and eloquent in the first instance, raw and visceral in the second. I always think of Obsession as a punch to the gut--very out there, very affecting. It's a definite break from the series' tradition, but that's why I like it--breaking new ground. I'm not saying I want to see Purdey or anyone else blubbering every other scene, but a little humanisation never hurts.

And I was wondering how it would take you to notice the avatar. :wink: Yep, that would be It Couldn't Happen Here. I've seen all of Gareth's bits from it, and he's brilliant in all of them. :D

Posted: Mon Jan 04, 2010 8:49 pm
by Rodney
Despite the all-star cast, The Superlative Seven. Perfectly watchable but so formulaic. More Agatha Christie than Avengers and I always miss Mrs Peel in the solo-Steed episodes.

Posted: Mon Jan 04, 2010 11:13 pm
by Allard
Rodney wrote:Despite the all-star cast, The Superlative Seven. Perfectly watchable but so formulaic. More Agatha Christie than Avengers and I always miss Mrs Peel in the solo-Steed episodes.

The Superlative Seven is a bit like Dead Man's Treasure, if your in the mood for it, it's wonderful, but if you want a good plot then you'd better save it for some other time.

Diana does Emma at her best (or the most enjoyable) in this episode.

Posted: Sat Feb 13, 2010 11:43 am
by Rodney
It's no coincidence that most of the episodes mentioned are Clemens ones. Episodes such as Brimstone, Murdersville, Epic all contain sadistic overtones which divide Avengers fans. Are they simply part of the disturbing undercurrent which the show needs or do they send it into a new realm which is unpleasant and which isn't Avengerish?