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Posted: Tue Jan 25, 2011 8:44 pm
by Halfhide
Welcome to the forum roboman1984. Hope you find the experience enjoyable! :D

Posted: Tue Jan 25, 2011 10:03 pm
by Dandy Forsdyke
Dandy Forsdyke wrote:I plan to be regressed to see if I can remember any David Keel and Cathy Gale episodes.
Actually the answer would be no. I've been thinking more about this and - looking at The Avengers Declassified - there are only a handful of episodes shown before my regular bedtime and I would have been far too young to complain. So the likelihood is I only watched possibly up until 'end of part one' of only some episodes until the repeats of 1969 (because of the onset of colour broadcasting).

Posted: Fri Jan 06, 2012 11:38 am
by Sinus1994
Oh, well my first episode of The Avengers...
Ah, really my first one was "Too Many Christmas Trees" but at this time I was only 4 or 5 years old and I didn't understand/realise it.
But my first episode I really "watched" was "The 13th Hole" on 23. 12. 2009. :D
I was fascinated by this, even though it was a B/W episode from season 4.
And the first coloured episode I watched was... uhm...
I really can't remember, was it "Who's Who???" or "The Joker".
Well, I think both of them are quite good episodes from season 5.

Sincerely yours,
Sinus1994 Image

Posted: Thu Nov 01, 2012 8:03 pm
by peabody
My first episode was probably "The Winged Avenger" back in 1995 or so. I was hooked right away. The fashion, the pop art, the vibrant colours, the music, the wacky script, those comics... That episode had everything.

I managed to tape some of the episodes. I watched "You Have Just Been Murdered" a zillion times, albeit my VHS tape missed the first 10 minutes! Also, on another tape I had "Epic" but the reception was so horrible you could hardly see what was going on at times. I suppose we're spoiled today, with our digitally restored and remastered DVD's... Other episodes I saw a zillion times were "Mission Highly Improbable" and "The Forget-Me-Knot".

Posted: Thu Nov 01, 2012 8:21 pm
by Dandy Forsdyke
People today have never had keeping and rewatching episodes so good. I had to rely on repeats - often 11pm at night which meant a lot of pleading and negotiating to the parents, even on a Friday night. The first recording I made was an audio cassette tape of Angels of Death. I only did it once or twice as it was such an ordeal.

Posted: Fri Nov 02, 2012 8:20 pm
by denis rigg
My first episode was "All Done with Mirrors". It was in january 1995. This fascinated me so much that I'm late in the school (episode was shown in the morning). :D
Not one series, before and after, had no such effects as the Avengers.
In next month (february 1995), I began to take the first steps to create a fan club in Russia.