• title card: The Drug Pedlar
  • A cockney worker asks Dr. Keel to come quickly
  • Steed and Keel get the jump — and the chairs — on the gangsters
  • Once again, Dr. Keel threatens someone with a syringe, why isn’t he struck off yet?
  • Dr. Keel recuses Steed from the hold of the ship
  • The Avengers leave, another case solved

Series 1 — comic
The Drug Pedlar

Published: September 23 1962.

"Episode" availability

  • Comic book — “TV Crimebusters” annual 1962
  • 7 pages of comic panels comprising 8 photographs and 36 drawings.

Continuity and trivia

  1. The TV Crimebusters annual was published for ITV by TV Publication Ltd., Television House, Kingsway WC2 — they also published TV Times and TV Comic and were effectively part of ITV.
  2. The annual was printed and bound by Hazell Watson & Viney Ltd., Slough and Aylesbury and published in September 1962.
  3. The story is told with a combination of cross-hatch pen and ink drawings which are believed to have been drawn by Patrick Nevin, and photographs from the show. The photos come from:
    • Toy Trap two-shot of Steed and Keel — originally when questioning the photographer (p. 87), plus a shot of Keel on the phone (p. 88),
    • A shot of Steed on the phone, previously used to illustrate a minor piece in the letters page of TV Times that was entitled Macnee’s the name, in response to a letter from a reader called C. McNee (p. 88),
    • Girl on the Trapeze (I think, it might be from Hot Snow) — Keel emulating Rodin’s The Thinker (p. 89),
    • Double Danger — Keel and Steed held at gunpoint by Brady (p. 89),
    • Keel smoking at a newsstand from the pre-production promotional shoot (p. 91),
    • Brought to Book — Keel squirting his syringe, originally as he threatened to inject Spicer (p. 92), and
    • Tunnel of Fear Steed tied and gagged (p. 93)
  4. The TV Crimebusters annual covered many ITV shows: Danger Man, Roaring Twenties, Charlie Chan, Interpol Calling (two stories), 77 Sunset Strip, The Four Just Men, Dixon of Dock Green, The Pursuers, Hawaiian Eye, and The Avengers. It also included four articles about crime-reporter “Nick Ace”.

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