• title card: white all caps text reading ‘LEGACY OF DEATH’ alongside some Chinese character superimposed on a close-up of the ‘Last Will and Testament’ held in Zoltan’s hand, the background is Farrer’s red coffin
  • Zoltan appears to threaten Steed with the ceremonial dagger and he bestows Farrer’s bequest
  • Sidney peers up out the window of their old-fashioned car while Humbert sits timidly beside him — they are dressed in 1940s linen suits and Panama hats
  • A trail of black cars blatantly follow Tara and Steed
  • The demon-masked and red robed Ho Lung attacks Tara, a green Chinese tapestry hangs behind him
  • Tara is strapped to a table as von Orlak tells her he will make her talk by using the Chinese water torture
  • Steed and Tara are excited as the model Spitfire aeroplane starts to zoom around his flat. He wears and ugly shirt while she wears a brief minidress with plunging neckline

Series 6 — Episode 8
Legacy of Death

Teleplay by Terry Nation
Directed by Don Chaffey

Production No E.67.9.14
Production completed: August 9 1968. First UK transmission: November 20 1968. First transmission (USA): November 4 1968.


click a name to see the face
John Steed Patrick Macnee regular007
Tara King Linda Thorson regularThe Saint
Sidney Street Stratford Johns regularDoctor WhoBlake’s 7The SaintDepartment S
Humbert Green Ronald Lacey regularDoctor WhoRandall and HopkirkBlake’s 7Indiana JonesDepartment SJason KingThe Sweeney
Baron Von Orlak Ferdy Mayne regularDanger ManThe Saint
Dickens Kynaston Reeves regularCarry On..
Henley Farrer Richard Hurndall Doctor WhoBlake’s 7CallanJason King
Zoltan John Hollis regularDoctor Who007Blake’s 7The SaintAdam AdamantStar Wars
Ho Lung Leon Thau Carry On..
Gorky Tutte Lemkow Doctor Who007Jason KingIndiana Jones
Oppenheimer Peter Swanwick Danger ManThe Prisoner
Slattery Vic Wise regular
Winkler Teddy Kiss
Dr. Winter Michael Bilton Doctor WhoThe SaintThe PrisonerDad’s ArmyThe Champions
Gregor Romo Gorrara regular007Danger ManThe SaintThe PrisonerThe SweeneyIndiana JonesPink Panther
‘Cosher’ Klaus Alf Joint regularDoctor WhoDanger Man007The PrisonerStar WarsRandall and HopkirkSpace 1999
Thug Eric Kent regular007Doctor WhoThe SaintThe SweeneyBlake’s 7
Thug Joseph Tregonino regular007Doctor WhoDanger ManThe SaintThe SweeneyCarry On..
Thug Bill Reed regular007Indiana JonesRandall and Hopkirk
Thug Joe Dunne regular007The ProfessionalsThe PrisonerPink PantherSpace 1999Randall and Hopkirk
Credits Legend:
Credited but not listed in press
Credited in press but not on screen
Credited in paperwork only
Uncredited / unattributed rôle
® : illustrated from other sources

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