• title card: white Old English font reading ‘Requiem’ superimposed on the dead bodyguard, dressed in a ball gown and lying on the garage floor
  • Miranda sits in the back of Steed’s car in her clown disguise; he’s just suggested she remove it.
  • The bomb goes off in ‘Steed’s flat’ and Tara is buried under falling masonry
  • The placard on the wreath for Mother reads ‘In Loving Memory of Our Dear Mother .... The Finest Chap We Ever Knew. Died Suddenly — Explosively. R.I.P.’
  • Tara hugs the astonished Mother and gives him a big kiss on the cheek
  • Tara hugs the astonished Mother and gives him a big kiss on the cheek
  • Close up of ‘The Descent of the Steeds’, which Steed claims to prove his descent from King Noffin of the Fens

Series 6 — Episode 28

Teleplay by Brian Clemens
Directed by Don Chaffey

Production No E.67.9.29
Production completed: February 13 1969. First UK transmission: April 11 1969. First transmission (USA): March 31 1969.


click a name to see the face
John Steed Patrick Macnee regular007
Tara King Linda Thorson regularThe Saint
Miranda Loxton Angela Douglas regularDoctor WhoThe SaintCarry On..Jason King
Major Firth John Cairney Danger Man
Dr. Wells John Paul regularThe Saint
Mother Patrick Newell regularDoctor WhoDanger ManRandall and Hopkirk
Murray Denis Shaw The PrisonerCarry On..
Rista Terence Sewards The Sweeney
Lieutenant Barrett Mike Lewin The Sweeney
Jill Kathja Wyeth The SweeneyPink PantherRandall and Hopkirk
Bobby Cleaver Harvey Ashby regularDanger ManThe Saint
Vicar John Baker regularDoctor WhoBlake’s 7
Rhonda Rhonda Parker regularSpace 1999
Bodyguard Terry Maidment regularDanger Man007The SaintPink Panther
Photographer unknown
Hearse Driver unknown
Male Nurse Donald Cave
Nurse Vivien Grisoto
Rescue worker Bill Hibbert regularThe SaintCarry On..
Rescue worker unknown
Rescue worker unknown
Rescue worker unknown
Ambulanceman John Clifford regularThe SaintThe SweeneyUFOSpace 1999
Ambulanceman unknown
Mourner Victor Harrington regularThe Saint007Randall and HopkirkThe SweeneyCarry On..
Mourner unknown
Pallbearer unknown
Pallbearer unknown
Pallbearer unknown
Pallbearer unknown
Special services worker Guy Standeven regular007Danger ManCallanThe PrisonerThe SweeneyAdam AdamantBlake’s 7Pink PantherCarry On..
Special services worker unknown
Special services worker Gerald Paris regular007The SaintThe ProfessionalsThe SweeneyDepartment SPink PantherCarry On..
Special services worker unknown
Credits Legend:
Credited but not listed in press
Credited in press but not on screen
Credited in paperwork only
Uncredited / unattributed rôle
® : illustrated from other sources

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